Page 24 - Term 2 pre-school music song book for preschools and parents
P. 24

Old MacDonald had a Band
Old MacDonald had a band, EIEIO, And in that band he had some shakers, EIEIO, With a shake, shake here,
And a shake, shake there,
Here a shake, there a shake, Everywhere a shake, shake,
Old MacDonald had a band, EIEIO.
Composer: Traditional melody, lyrics unknown Musical aims:
To feel the pulse through actions
To move at faster and slower tempos
To sing along with a live instrument
CL (LA) & (S)
To encourage listening, attention and speech through repetition and the use of percussion instruments
To distinguish between the different sounds the instruments make
CL (U), L (R) & UW (TW)
To learn the names of different instruments
To listen for a signal and join in with a repeated refrain
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
To develop fine motor skills by providing an object to be held and to practise coordination and control by playing the pulse and moving at faster and slower speeds
To pretend to be band members
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