Page 25 - Term 2 pre-school music song book for preschools and parents
P. 25

Composer: Traditional Musical aims:
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
Where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the queen. Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you there?
I saw a little mouse under a chair. (spoken) Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!
To perform in small groups, solo and as a duet
To feel the pulse through actions
To develop unconscious understanding of phrasing by doing a different action for each phrase and to ex- perience call and response
To build self-confidence through performing as a soloist or in a duet, and/or by having a special turn of the cat toy
PSED (MR) & (F/B) To wait for a turn
To listen carefully and know when it is their turn to say the questions and answers and when it is their turn to listen, and to be ready to catch the cat toy
CL (S)
To encourage speech through using a prop
CL (U)
To take part in an activity that requires an understanding of several stages and sequences
L (R)
To discuss the characters and plot of the story and to develop an awareness of rhyme
L (R) & UW (TW)
To learn musical terminology
To move to a steady beat
To pretend to the characters in the story
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