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Research Report | 7
This literature review plans to unpack the (Nath et al. 2020) has come under severe scrutiny, as
compromising habitability of code compliant "40% of Australian homes are experiencing mould
homes and how these factors negatively affect growth and moisture accumulation" (Nath et al. 2020).
physical & psychological health. The analysis of There is evidence indicating that Class 1 and Class 2
who is responsible is important in deciphering buildings in all Australian jurisdictions and climate
how this issue has become so prevalent, and why zones experience an increase in levels of mould and
some homes are becoming uninhabitable after moisture (Law & Dewsbury 2018).
their first winter (Law & Dewsbury 2018). Solutions
to these issues are explored, including analysing There has been a new approach to building
why many elements of the building envelope design in Australia which has created an emphasis
create thermal bridging and why the adoption on the use of insulation and draft proofing measu-
of Passive House design techniques should be res, which can lead to issues with overheating. Passive
normalised. The aim of this research is to help House design has proven that air-tightness and insu-
establish the difference between ventilation and lation are key factors in establishing net-zero energy
infiltration for all design and construction pro- housing (The Passive House Key Design Principles,
fessionals to understand (Dewsbury et al. 2018). 2021). But, these techniques need to be incorporated
in conjunction with a number of other key factors
such as "window quality, building structure, orien-
ROLE OF THE NATIONAL tation, and advanced mechanical systems for hea-
CONSTRUCTION CODE ting and ventilation" (The Passive House Key Design
(NCC) Principles, 2021). "Australia has a singular approach to
rating only a building's design, rather than focussing
also on the construction process and evaluating the
For over a decade, research has progres- post-occupancy performance" (Nath et al. 2020). This
sively elicited a feeling of apprehension about flaw in the rating system is due to the COAG climate
techniques substantiated by the contemporary change mitigation policy, which only focusses on the
construction code in Australia. There is evidence short and long term reduction of greenhouse gas
which indicates high air moisture content, mois- emmisions (COAG Energy Council 2015). The NatHERS
ture accumulation and mould growth are serious accredited software tools fail to consider the catastro-
problems which affect the indoor air quality of phic consequence that the built fabric they are simu-
Australian homes. These issues have been inad- lating may also be providing and facilitating the per-
vertently created from technical and design shor- fect growth conditions for mould (Nath et al. 2020). In
t-comings in the building fabric (Nath et al. 2020). Australia, the energy consumption of a 6 star NatHERS
At question, is the very "cursory, and unexpanded rated home varies extentively subject to it's climate
performance requirements within the National type, whereas Passive House have a flat rate energy
Construction Code (NCC)" (Dewsbury et al. 2016). allowance (Nath et al. 2020).
Brendan Wilson
The existing aims outlined by the NCC cover the
delivery of "healthy and energy efficient homes"