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Coronavirus | WHO states agree to independent probe of                                 NEPAL Approves New Map Said Amidst Border line with
               COVID-19 response                                                                      INDIA

               A resolution adopted by WHO's annual                                                   Foreign Minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali
               assembly said the investigation should                                                 said that the official map of Nepal will soon
               include a probe of “the actions of WHO                                                 be made public by the Ministry of Land
               and their time-lines pertaining to the                                                 Management
               COVID-19 pandemic”.                                                                    Nepal’s Cabinet has endorsed a new
               World Health Organization member                                                        political map showing Lipulekh, Kalapani
               states agreed on Tuesday to an                                                         and Limpiyadhura under its territory,
               independent probe into the United                                                      amidst a border dispute with India.
               Nations agency's coronavirus                                                           The move announced by Foreign Minister
               (COVID-19) response as the U.S.                                                        Pradeep Kumar Gyawali came weeks after he
               criticism mounted over its handling of                                                 said that efforts were on to resolve the
               the pandemic.                                                                          border issue with India through diplomatic
               Countries taking part in the WHO's annual assembly, being held virtually for           initiatives.
               the first time, adopted a resolution by consensus urging a joint response to the       Nepal’s ruling Nepal Communist Party lawmakers have also tabled a special
               crisis. The resolution, tabled by the European Union, called for an “impartial,        resolution in Parliament demanding return of Nepal’s territory in Kalapani,
               independent and comprehensive evaluation” of the international response to the         Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh.
               pandemic, which has so far infected more than 4.8 million people and killed            The Lipulekh pass is a far western point near Kalapani, a disputed border area
               over 3,18,000.                                                                         between Nepal and India. Both India and Nepal claim Kalapani as an integral part
                                                                                                      of their territory - India as part of Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh district and Nepal as
               The United States did not disassociate itself from the consensus as some had           part of Dharchula district.
               feared after Washington chastised the WHO on the first day of the assembly on          Gyawali said that the official map of Nepal will soon be made public by the
               Monday and lashed out further against China over its role in the outbreak.             Ministry of Land Management.
                                                                                                      Decision of the Council of Ministers to publish the map of Nepal in 7 provinces,
               U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Monday to pull the United States             77 districts and 753 local level administrative divisions including Limpiyadhura,
               out of the WHO, accusing it of botching the global coronavirus response and of         Lipulekh and Kalapani, he wrote on Twitter on Monday.
               being a “puppet of China”.                                                             Gyawali last week summoned the Indian Ambassador Vinay Mohan Kwatra and
                                                                                                      handed over a diplomatic note to him to protest against the construction of a key
                                                                                                      road connecting the Lipulekh pass with Dharchula in Uttarakhand.

                                         SOURCE@THEHINDU                                                                         SOURCE@THEHINDU

               JAPAN Fireworks to cheer up nation fatigued by coronavirus                             AMERICA’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT  Friendship with
               fight                                                                                  INDIA, ban on CHINA

               Fireworks have a centuries-old tradition
               in Japan, where massive, colourful
               displays are an iconic symbol of summer
               and draw hordes of people, many
               wearing bright summer kimono. They
               began as a way of warding off bad luck
               and epidemics.
               n a night not too far in the future but still
               being kept secret, skies across Japan will
               light up with simultaneous fireworks
               displays from north to south in a plan by
               fireworks makers to cheer a nation weary
               of battling the coronavirus.
               Fireworks have a centuries-old tradition in Japan, where massive, colourful            There is a confrontation between the US and China over the spread of Corona.
               displays are an iconic symbol of summer and draw hordes of people, many                This will benefit India the most. An American senator has asked President
               wearing bright summer kimono. They began as a way of warding off bad luck              Trump to further strengthen his friendship with India and ban China. It is
               and epidemics.                                                                         being discussed in the US Parliament that now America should take a big
               "Everyone's lost their energy due to the coronavirus and these dark times, so we       decision. Let us tell you that in this situation America wants to strengthen
               wanted to cheer them up," said Hiroshi Oguchi, the third generation of his             military as well as economic relations with India. At the same time, it want to
               family to work at the San-en Fireworks Co in Shizuoka in central Japan.                ban China so that China's grandeur can be ended.
               "Also, Japanese fireworks started out mainly as a way of throwing off bad              At the present time, the forces of China and India have also come face to face
               fortune, and so these are our two goals."                                              on the border. After which these US declarations are a bell of danger for China.
               About 130 companies from the northernmost island of Hokkaido to the                    The US senator has asked India, Taiwan and Vietnam to increase military
               southernmost ones of Okinawa will participate, setting off fireworks at exactly        cooperation to teach China a lesson. The relationship between the United States
               the same time, Oguchi said.                                                            and India in the last few days has been a threat to China. America blames China
               "We are also keeping where it will happen a secret," he added, though the group        for spreading corona and wants to investigate it. India has also supported this
               is considering a social media blast to let people know just before it happens.         decision of the US and has indicated to China that India is not afraid of anyone.

                                       SOURCE@INDIATODAY                                                                        SOURCE@DAILYHUNT
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