P. 188

Bills of Quantity

Bill Ref Description                                                                              Qty Unit                     Rate  Total

(Applicable only if hot water to crew and disabled basins is from local water heaters NB: McWash units have internal heaters)

135 Provide new hot water circulation from pipework above wash up (or from roof mounted           1 item
          water heater if necessary) to wash basins in crew, public and disabled toilets

Below Ground Drainage

    136 CCTV Survey and jetting of Foul and Surface Water Drainage and produce report with        1 item
               accompanying Drawings and DVD.                                                     1 Nr
                                                                                                  1 Nr
    137 Replace damaged tiles.                                                                    1 Nr
    138 Provide and Install Temporary Manhole Covers.                                             1 Item
                                                                                                  1 Item
    139 Provide and Install new Manhole Cover and Frame (750x750).                                1 Item
    140 Existing Cast Iron Drainage Replacement / Remedial Works.                                 1 Item
                                                                                                  1 Nr
    141 Existing Cast Iron Drainage ReLinning.                                                    1 Item
                                                                                                  1 item
    142 Drainage Works Excavation, Backfill, Fniishing.

    143 Drainage System Design.

    144 Supply and Install Gullies with Integral Traps.
    145 Install new Drainage from Gullies to existing Drainage.
    146 Extend Existing Drainage to Relocated Toilet Areas.
Gas Installation

    147 Supply and Install Relocation of Gas Pipework.                                            1 item

    148 Design for Relocation of Gas Piepework.                                                   1 item

GENERAL                                                                                           1 nr
                                                                                                  1 item
    147 Provide temperature gauge to HWS return pipework adjacent to water heater
    148 Adjust HWS water heater storage temperature to minimum 60oC. Check that circulation       1 item
                                                                                                  1 item
               temperature is minimum 55oC                                                        1 item
    149 Insulate existing HWS & CWS pipework within the building (if not already insulated)
                                                                                                  1 item
               NB: Strike out if not applicable
    150 Test soil and waste systems on completion                                                 1 item
                                                                                                  1 item
    151 Test and chlorinate water systems on completion                                           1 item
    152 Check and report on the condition of the existing hot and cold water and gas systems and  1 item
                                                                                                  1 item
               hot water generating plant for compliance with current regulations
    153 Provision of On Site Engineer for Store Opening.

    154 Produce and maintain co-ordinated design layout drawings
    155 Provide relevant information to comply with CDM Regulations
    156 Provide 'As Installed' record drawings
    157 Provide O&M / H&S in McDonalds standard electronic format

                                                                             GRAND TOTAL                                             0

Sanitary Pipework

158 1 Linear metre UPVC Waste Pipework including elbows, tees and supports.



Hot and Cold Water Services

159 1 Linear metre Copper Tube Pipework including elbows, tees, supports and Insulation.




160 Blending Valves



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