Page 16 - LINK - HSE Client duties - CDM 2015-clients-interactive
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Annex A  CDM duty holders and their roles summarised

                CDM duty holders* – who are they?  Summary of role/main duties                    CDM duty holders* – who are they?  Summary of role/main duties
                Clients                        Make suitable arrangements for                     Principal designers           Plan, manage, monitor and
                Organisations or individuals for   managing a project. This includes              Designers appointed by the client   co-ordinate health and safety in the
                whom a construction project is   making sure that:                                in projects involving more than   pre-construction phase of a project.
                carried out.                   •  other duty holders are appointed                one contractor. They can be an   This includes:
                                               •  sufficient time and resources are               organisation or an individual with   •  identifying, eliminating or controlling
                                                allocated.                                        sufficient knowledge, experience   foreseeable risks
                                                                                                  and ability to carry out the role.
                                               Clients must also make sure that:                                                •  ensuring designers carry out their
                                               •  relevant information is prepared and
                                                provided to other duty holders                                                  Prepare and provide relevant
                                                                                                                                information to other duty holders.
                                               •  the principal designer and principal
                                                contractor carry out their duties                                               Provide relevant information to the
                                                                                                                                principal contractor to help them plan,
                                               •  welfare facilities are provided.
                                                                                                                                manage, monitor and co-ordinate
                Domestic clients               Domestic clients are in scope of CDM                                             health and safety in the construction
                People who have construction   2015 but their duties as a client are                                            phase.
                work carried out on their own   normally transferred to:                          Designers                     When preparing or modifying
                home, or the home of a family   •  the contractor, on a single contractor         Those who, as part of a business,   designs, eliminate, reduce or control
                member, that is not done in     project                                                                         foreseeable risks that may arise
                furtherance of a business, whether     or                                         prepare or modify designs for a   during:
                                                                                                  building or product, or prepare or
                for profit or not.
                                               •  the principal contractor, on a project          modify designs to systems relating   •  construction
                                                involving more than one contractor.               to construction work.           and
                                               However, the domestic client can                                                 •  the maintenance and use of a
                                               choose to have a written agreement for                                             building once it is built.
                                               the principal designer to carry out the
                                               client duties.                                                                   Provide information to other members
                                                                                                                                of the project team to help them fulfil
                                                                                                                                their duties.

         Industry guidance for clients                                                                                                                         16

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