Page 20 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P19)_Contractors Manual
P. 20
D2 Instore Shopfronts (Exterior)
D2.1 Layout and Design
The restaurant shopfront is a projection of the - Shopfront stall risers should be low, optimally
brand image into the high street. This image around 150mm unless site specific constraints
should be inviting, fun, contemporary and a dictate otherwise. Stall risers should be
place for all. It must also convey change. When finished using a black ceramic tile, ‘Budapest’
reimaging old shopfronts or designing new, the available via Vogue Ceramics.
following principles should be considered:
- Shopfronts should be designed as a PPC
- The location of the entrance doors should be aluminium system unless site specific
chosen to suit the external pedestrian flow, constraints dictate otherwise.
architectural composition of the building and
desired internal customer flow. - Shopfronts should be finished in a stable,
robust material which uniformly displays
- All entrance doors should be automated McDonald’s brand colours. The preference is
sliding doors unless site specific reasons for the use of Trespa Meteon panelling but is
dictate otherwise. a site specific decision.
- All restaurant entrances must be accessible - The line of a shopfront should be ‘straight’
to all. and sit on the outer extent of the properties
demise. This is to maximise the internal space
- Sections of shopfront glazing should be and prevent any external recess for anti social
maximised vertically and horizontally to ensure behaviour or gatherings. Any existing planters
the best possible view into the restaurant. or seating areas should be removed and the
This must be balanced with the architectural shopfront line moved forwards to incorporate
composition of the overall building and this as internal space.
requirement for a signage fascia.
- Shopfront fascia’s should be designed to suit
- Glazing specification and manifestation the architectural composition of the building
must be designed to comply with Building and McDonald’s signage requirements.
Regulations, The Scottish Technical Handbooks
or Republic of Ireland Building regulations. All - External lighting can be considered where
glass should be double glazed. the existing architecture is of high quality and
can improve the appearance, composition
or presence of the McDonald’s brand in the
High Street.
- Shopfront works will remain optional to
Franchisees during the CotF programme if
not previously completed during EOTF.
D2 .1 Layout and Design 2.0 30 January 2015