Page 22 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P19)_Contractors Manual
P. 22
D2 Instore Shopfronts (Exterior)
D2.2 Signage
The location, size, style and quantity of signs to - Golden arch sizes and McDonald’s text sizes
the shopfront should be considered holistically are proportional to each other and should
and in context. There are two main types; fascia only be seen together as set out in this guide
signage and projecting signage. or in The Golden Arches Code.
Fascia signage should be designed to suit - Fascia signage should be internally illuminated
the architectural composition of the building, unless Local Authority restrictions prevent this.
shopfront design and lines of sight in the high
street. Golden arches and McDonald’s text are - Where Local Authority consent it is
available for fascia signage: unachievable for internally illuminated
signage, then externally illuminated signage
- At least one golden arch and McDonald’s should be adopted. External illumination
letter set should be applied to each fascia should be per sign and not continuous to
unless site specific constraints prevent this. the fascia. External and internally illuminated
signage should not be mixed.
- Longer shopfronts may require additional
signage over and above one golden arch and - Golden arches are always yellow.
McDonald’s letter set although proliferation
should be avoided. - McDonald’s text is always white.
- Refer to McDonald’s signage supplier for
further details.
D2.2 Signage 1.0 08 October 2014