P. 19
A.6 Soffit and reflected ceiling plan
Music system CCTV System
Specification Supplier CCTV system is store specific
Basic audio system including: Image START
- Player Sound
- 60W amplifier Soffit details
- Paging mic all areas (Tannoy), In order of preference, please see flow chart:
- Approximate 6 x shop floor ceiling speakers with volume 1. No works
control, 2. Re-spray soffit to white RAL 9010
- 2 x BOH ceiling or cabinet speakers, 3. Line soffit - plasterboard, tape, jointed and painted white RAL 9010
- 2 x cabinet wall speakers with volume control,
- cabling,
- consumables TBC by image sound. (site specific) Ceiling
Speaker requirements are store specific
Room Tag Specification
Shop floor No Ceiling N/A
Lighting Storage Area
Colleague Rest Area Is the soffit a
Tag Specification Yes No
Instore Bakery 600x600 AMF Thermatex Star SK good quality self
Intruder alarm remote key pad with reader Office at edge 24mm white exposed grid finish?
360 degree PIR DDA WC ceiling at 2350mm height
Intruder alarm door contact
Vibration sensor (Impet)
Manual call point
Heat detector Are there Health and
Smoke detector No works Safety reasons that
Smoke sounder Lean Yes require you to conceal the No
Smoke sounder beacon store soffit?
Glass break detector principle Consider the front and
Panic alarm button back of house
Batten LED fitting, 52W - Emergency
Batten LED fitting, 52W
Vapourproof batten LED fitting, 52W
Vapourproof batten LED fitting, 52W - Emergency
4W LED Emergency light (wall mount) Plasterboard ceiling
4W LED Emergency light (ceiling mount) to be formed as
Wall mounted exterior light per soffit finishes Spray the soffit
Cost saving Cost saving
opportunity opportunity
lost lost
A.6 Soffit and reflected ceiling plan 2.0 14th June 2019