Page 33 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 33



                                                                                  Aiden Caine
                                                                                  Shaurya Vardhan Dahiya
                                                                                  Alan Jose
                                                                                  Abhishek Nagaraj Karegowdra
                                                                                  Siddharth Kathiravan
                                                                                  Raj Adityan Ravichandran
                                                                                  Ramkumar Ravichandran
                                                                                  Swastik Singh
                                                                                  Kyran Sinha
                                                                                  Yohann Talib
                                                                                  Allen Shaji Varghese
                                                                                  Udaya Vijay Anand

                                                                                  Residential Parent:
                                                                                  Mary Cornelius
 Alham Ansari
 Kivinoto Awomi
 Inbae Chi  ‘B’ Block Upper. Three words that have changed our lives. This dorm, led
 Shey Desai  by our crib leader Ms. Nicole, is filled with 17 boys who make mischief
 Hriday Gondalia  whenever possible, with Ms. Nicole running after our tails all day long,
 Garv Goyal  making sure we’re doing all right and are taken care of. Over here at ‘B’   B- Block Lower is a dorm where people with different personalities are able to be
 Rishi Iyengar  Block Upper, as soon as you enter the door, you enter a whole new world.   themselves and interact with one other. We got to know everyone well, such as, ...
 Royce Joseb  On one side you will see our dorm representative Kivi playing the piano   Shaurya’s for his antics that would drive us crazy and make us all laugh,
 Abhiveer Kishore  (Still D.R.E) with the Belt Buckle gang vibing to it. On the other you will   Ram’s dark sense of humour as well as his athleticism,
 Advait Krishnan   see Alham and Garv having dunk contests on the wall, making sure to   Kyran’s loud and outgoing personality,
 Raoul Makkar  taunt each other after every windmill. As soon as you step into the dorm   Udaya’s knowledge of computers and how we would all troop into his room when
 Parth Savla  you will be able to hear Shey and Raoul in the showers, singing along to   we needed help with design,
 Ashwin Selvapandian  loud music while Hriday is going to cook his Pav-Bhaji. In the glass box   Abhishek’s rants that none of us understood,
 Jai Steinmetz  you can see Ashwin and Parth playing competitive PUBG while Inbae is   Siddharth’s intense jokes,
 Raghav Thiagarajan  playing with Princess Consuela, Ms. Nicole’s cat (rip legend). Everynight,   Pierre’s attempt at learning English, which made everything take a bit longer to
 Siddharth Thiagarajan   you can find people trying to win the Thiaga Chess Championship, during   complete,
 Akshat Vij  which Raghav beats us all with his eyes closed. Siddhu is the only one   Swastik’s observation skills, esp. with Pictureka,
 good enough to give him competition, but he is too busy making Gainz   Allen’s boldness to confront Shaurya,
 Residential Parent:  while weight lifting. Inside the social room, you will see Abhiveer playing   Aiden’s energy,   B-BLOCK
 Nicole Glasco  Fifa 20 while Akshat is busy ordering 4 Oreo Milkshakes from Muncheez.   Yohann’s attitude and double jointed antiques,
 Behind you, Royce and Rishi will probably walk in after a heavy football   Advait making the Rubik cube seem like child’s play,
 session in CC, still talking about how they beat the other teams. Jai will   Raj’s comparison and stories which would make us all
 be reading his French book that no one else tries to understand, while   laugh,  LOWER
 Advait is busy procrastinating in his room. At the end of the day, no matter   … and ofcourse …
 where everyone is scattered, we are all brought together by the scent of   Alan with his unexplainable body and willingness to
 Ms. Nicole’s cooking, after which we sit and try to figure out the next clue   train at the gym.
 in the dorm treasure hunt. From spontaneous dunks on Ms. Nicole to the   We bonded through board games, early morning basketball and late night football.
 dodge-ball sessions at night, everything makes this dorm feel like home.   Our  dorm  meetings  were  interactive  and  fun.  Apart  from  having  each  other’s
 This dorm is not just a family, it is a feeling, something you just have to   company, we also had great food thanks to Mrs. Mary Cornelius. After school, she
 experience for yourself!  was always waiting for us to ask us how our day was. When we had an eventful day,
 Thanks to Ms. Nicole and to all the 10th graders who will graduate into   she would always stand and listen, even if it took the rest of the night. This has been
 senior dorms (you will be missed).  a great year, and one that will not be soon forgotten.
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