Page 38 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 38

UPPER                                                                                                                                                                                LOWER

        BOYER                                                                                                                                                                                   BOYER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Reya Nina Amatya
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ananya Arugonda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nivedita Bosman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Shreya Damodaran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Diya Desai
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rikzim Dorjee
                                                                                                                                Lower  Boyer  consists  of  rooms  along  a  simple,  straight  hallway,  but  the  people,   Sarah Francis
                                                                                                                                the food and the antics is what makes this home. It’s a comfortable bubble of love,   Niharika Ghoshal
                          Azzah Asharaf                                                                                         affection and friendship.                                                       Shaneika Gonsalves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nina Hariharan
                          Anuja Baldota                                                                                         You’ll never see Niv leave dorm in the morning, everyone else is simply late. Lower’s
                     Tanya Brahmakulam                                                                                          very  own  supermodel  Pully,  always  betrays  our  mirrors  when  taking  the  perfect   Shanaya Hegde
                         TenzinDekyong        It was only two years ago that I came to Upper Boyer. I remember moving           picture.  Resident  screamer  with  the  most  heavenly  voice,  especially  during  the   Lalrempuii Hmar
                        Keyah Gnanakan        in a day earlier because my parents had to drop me off early and leave on         shower operas she hosts, Shaneika’s always there to steal our dorm treat. Elegant   Haeun Kim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Saniya Kunjeer
                          Nandini Gupta       some work. And for the life of me, we could not figure out where the dorm         and kind, no one knows how Shreya handled us during chaotic dorm dance practices.   Sasha Kimberley Nadarajah
                                Yeji Han      was! We kept running in circles, getting all sorts of directions and all I could   Ingenious,  Diya  claimed  the  green  couch  as  her  room,  but  everyone’s  waiting  in
                         Vedika Kanakia       hear was, ‘Stone walls, stone walls, more stone walls, painted door, wooden       her actual room to cram before exams. Health freak/Athlete Saniya is our biggest   Leah Nagpal
                          Vihaa Kapadia       chairs, and… Narnia!’ And thus, I opened my doors into a world of mystery.        motivator, but she’s always looking lost while drinking apple cider vinegar. Always on   Arhana Rijal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Eira Sethi
                              Cyra Kaur       I remember being greeted by the warmest smile and the foofiest straight hair      the hunt for someone’s laptop, Arhana is the loudest tiny person you’ll ever meet.   Arushi Singh
                       Rigjey Namdroen        I have ever seen and over the years, I have come to know this person as my        Beware! Oh, does anyone have chilli? REVIVE, shoot! You’ll always hear Haeun walking   Vilitoli Yepthomi
                      Deeksha Palecanda       dorm parent – one heck of a cook, one of the sassiest ladies I have ever met      up and down the corridor, yelling commands while playing PUBG. Pretty gamer girl?
                           Ishita Pandey      and one of the strongest women I have looked up to. Any trouble, any woes,        The friendliest in dorm, but don’t kick her a since Eira will feed you life threatening
                            Khushi Patel      she is ready to listen and it is a plus point knowing that she knows how to       ramen and forget the milk. Rising TikTok star, Rikzim is our local ambivert. She’s shy   Residential Parent:
                           Parmita Patra      have a good time.                                                                 and outgoing at the same time, but don’t ever doubt it – she’d beat you in a dance off   Celeste Jeyakar
                       Gakhael Rinchhen       If anyone wants to learn the true meaning of independence, responsibility         any day. We don’t understand a word you’re saying Sasha, but your accent has never
                     Sailee Shringarpure      and teamwork, come to Upper Boyer. Through dorm dances, dorm devotions,           stopped us from getting our hair done before the biggest events of the year. Reserved
                         Soumya Varma         movie nights, dinners, open dorms, heart-to-hearts, there is just so much         and adorable, you’d really have to visit Arushi’s room to find the comedian she hides
                          Megha Vinesh        that has happened over these years, things that played a huge part in my          within, along with her insane art skills. Probably the next prime minister, Nina could
                          Tenzin Zangmo       incredible transformation! As I glance down my memory lane, I realise that        definitely bring the whole dorm to tears with her singing. You better feature LB in
                                              the roads have been made up of wonderful and memorable experiences.               your first album. With almost unbeatable intelligence, Niharika could definitely beat

                      Residential Parent:     Upper Boyer is still an enigma to me because it is hard for me to understand      an egg or two when making crepes for the whole dorm. When everyone’s coming
                             Ivy Roshan       how a group of girls so vastly different from each other can come together and    in and out of the dorm on the weekends, you’ll be sure to find Ananya sitting at the
                                              create an environment so magical, so harmonious and so peaceful, not only         piano stool, recording her rendition of ‘Someone Like You’ or ‘Can’t Help Falling In
                                              on the outside but also on the inside. This dorm, these girls, Miss Ivy, these    Love’. Never failing to make us laugh, Hmar is a ball of energy, who’s always up for
                                              memories, they are always going to have a special place in my heart. And I        a movie night. You’ll never see Shanaya come into the dorm after 6:50 pm – she’s
                                              know we are going to go out into the world to do great things, to influence       as quiet as a mouse and has the prettiest smile. She’s annoying in the funniest way
                                              others as we influence each other, to become women the world needs.               possible, you can always rely on Leah for a deep talk or some good entertainment
                                                                                                                                with her partner in crime, Sarah. Sarah will always be there to put a smile on your face
                                                                                                                                with her unconventional idea of comedy. She has everything it takes to be a model
                                                                                                                                or a publicist. Maybe even both. With the most perfectly manicured nails and always
                                                                                                                                in jeans, Reya definitely has an obsession with keeping things tidy. We know you’re a
                                                                                                                                baker, you owe us. Always giving in to our pleas for ice cream, Ms J has all the makings
                                                                                                                                of a mother and more. Thanks for all the cheese! Even with all these people, our dorm
                                                                                                                                is not complete without Ms. Stella and Ms. Mariamma. :)
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