Page 42 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 42

LOCHEND                                                                                                                                                                 KENNEDY

                                              Being a Lochend boy is not something you take for granted. It is a privilege
                                              and an honor. The first requirement is to be a hot boy, thus making Lochend
                                              dorm the hottest dorm over the ages. The average person would probably
                                              not understand the events that unfold in this beautiful dorm. The moment
                                              you walk into dorm, after getting past our guard dog, Laxman Bomb, you
                                              are welcomed with interesting scents provoked by some naughty boys. Apart
                                              from lighting many other things up, they will light up your day.
                                              We have a range of bright boys that serve their purpose to the dorm. The
                                              Korean boys conveniently supply food when needed. Speaking of food, we
                                              had many good memories with raw eggs, unusual brown coloured Chupa
                                              Chups and sometimes even some extra-yellow Maggi.
                                              Some boys in the dorm are lovers (Dorji) while others are fighters. This gave
                                              birth to the prestigious Lochend fight club, in which true Rajasthani spirit was
                                              showcased through blood, sweat and tears.
                                              Born  dancers  impressed  the  girls  with  silky  moves  in  the  dorm  dance
                                              competition and proved they could throw it back better than all the girls in
                                              Kodi School. Kennedy might have won the competition, but Lochend won the         Welcome to Kennedy: home to the buffaloes, the hippies, and the jungle gang.
                                              hearts.                                                                          Kennedy is surprising, unusual, unexpected. Who would have thought a bunch of   Jiya Amin
                            Kush Agarwal      Lochend boys were always very considerate. They would bunk classes and           weirdos and misfits could live in harmony somewhere. Well, this is that place. And   Amida Anand
                             Nilardhi Aich    come late as a favor to all the teachers and still manage to end up with 0       we love it.                                                                    Sakthiuma Bala Thandauthapani
                               Jogi Amin      absences by working their charm.                                                 This is the place you sleep at 3 am because you spent the entire night staring at   Anmol Banga
                       Geunmyeong Baick       It doesn’t matter if it was Monday or Saturday, you could always count on        the stars, and thinking about how in a parallel universe, Ms. Stella would already   Liya Benoy
                        Amaan Chaudhari       Lochend to put on a blaze.                                                       be counting down the minutes before she slithers into your room with unmatched   Isha Bollini
                       Wangden Dhondup        Another thing that sets apart Lochend dorm from the rest is Mr. Sam and Ms.      enthusiasm.                                                                    Marie Chalard
                              Parth Goyal                                                                                      This is the place you unintentionally hear your neighbors’ conversations, but can’t   Hannah Chang
                            Krish Khakhar     Sarita. The Lochend boys love to exchange smiles with them and Jessica on        help but tune into the free reality shows.This is the place where you wake up to the   Ria Damodaran
                            Ju-Young Kim      the way out. Ms Sarita clearly cooks food fit for saints, just like we are.      sound of people getting breathalyzed. Twice.                                   Tenzin Dhaden
                               Mingi Kim      Lochend was the hottest, strongest and coolest dorm, but it was also the                                                                                        Mhonbeni Humtsoe
                              Minjae Kim      most dominant dorm in the history of Kodi. Let it be basketball, football, NHS,   This is the place where the kitchen was meant to accommodate one malnourished   Manentila Jamir
                             Minseok Kim      STUDCO, dance, singing, cooking or any other competition in school, there’s      platypus, but was somehow forced to handle twenty buffaloes.                   Gayatri Kirloskar
                               MinSu Lee      always a Lochend boy leading it … and yet we’re always on the “Black List”.      This is the place where you can hear the faint melody of Sakthi playing “Faded” as   Sentimongla Longkumer
                        Tiaakum Longchari     Kodi school, you’re welcome for all we’ve done for you.                          the background music to you losing your mind over the five overdue IAs you have   Shanaia Malkani
                            Dorji Longdrol    - Lochend, the pride of Kodi.                                                    to submit in half an hour.                                                     Zeira Mathews
                Aarvav Bharadwaj Manduva                                                                                       This is the  place with puzzles with too many missing pieces for the dorm not to be   Ashe Pinto
                         Kushaal Mathew                                                                                        haunted. We hope the ghosts make good use of them.                             Jahnvi Roorkeewal
                           Marc Menezes                                                                                        This is the  place where you can lounge on the hammock and dream yourself away   Annie Salim
                              Uday Misra                                                                                       to some other universe.                                                        Dixal Saravanan
                   Songwit Moongomklang                                                                                        This is the  place where the comp. room was thought to be the secret portal to   Nethra Rubini Sudhan
                            Aaryan Pagar                                                                                                                                                                      Anika Tavethia
                            Aaryan Parikh                                                                                      the netherworld until some brave seniors found the courage in their hopelessness
                             Sunwoo Park                                                                                       (thanks IB) to venture into unknown territories in the last quarter of senior year   Residential Parent:
                      Aditya Rajamurugan                                                                                       (never ended up happening, BTW).                                               Indra Jayaprakash
                        Aryavardhan Sahu                                                                                       This is the place where Chocos were the main meal of choice and the cranberry
                              Rehan Sahu                                                                                       juice never stopped flowing.
                              Sener Sethi                                                                                      This is the only place where your neighbor’s panties, hanging on the washing line,
                              Arjun Singh                                                                                      look scarier than Ms. Stella’s disappointed face in the window while she locks you
                                                                                                                               out of the dorm, leaving you to gaze out the glass thinking of simpler times when
                      Residential Parent:                                                                                      you could just walk out when the bell rang. And you learn how to turn brushing your
                          Samuel Knudson                                                                                       teeth into a viable excuse for why you’re late, and not the fact that you woke up two

                                                                                                                               minutes ago. Not that it would matter anyway ‘cause Ms. Japes is an all-knowing,
                                                                                                                               all-seeing deity.
                                                                                                                               But somehow, we already miss being threatened to clean our room or no outing
                                                                                                                               passes by these brave women. We salute you.
                                                                                                                               To the juniors: don’t forget to twerk till you’re limp to Just Dance, keep your throats
                                                                                                                               dry from countless hours of karaoke, and have cute picnics in the garden. Don’t lose
                                                                                                                               your energy, power rangers. Keep the legacy going.
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