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EASEL News: April 2020

   Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe While Outside This Spring

                                                       with April showers, rain that   screens are firmly and securely attached
                                                       accumulates in puddles often   to prevent your pets from accidentally
                                                       contains run-off from these   escaping or injuring themselves.
                                                       chemicals and could make our
                                                       animals sick if they drink from  New Friends

                                                       them.                            Spring is a time for new life …
                                                           Pets are also not immune   everywhere, baby animals are being born.
                                                       to spring allergies. If you   And while baby animals of all kinds are
                                                       suspect your pet may be    irresistibly cute, they only stay little for so
                                                       suffering from allergies, please   long and many, like rabbits and chicks,
                                                       consult with your vet, as   require specialized care as they grow. If
                                                       allergic reactions can be very   you plan to adopt some new furry friends,
                                                       dangerous for animals.     make sure you have researched what they
                                                                                  will require as they grow and are prepared
                                                       Holiday Food               to handle them at all stages of their life. As
                                                         While we should always   always, we want animals to find their fur-
                                           exercise caution and avoid feeding our   ever homes, not just their fur-now homes.
   The days are getting longer, the weather is
   getting warmer, trees are budding, flowers   pets food meant for human consumption,
                                                                                    Our Bingo Event Has a
   are starting to bloom…spring is well on its   it is especially important when it comes   dolor consequat n
   way! While many of use welcome spring   to food traditionally served during Easter
   with open arms, you may not have thought   and Passover celebrations. Fatty meats         New Date!
   about what the change in season means for   can be dangerous to our furry friends and
   our furry friends.                      the chocolates and sugars found in spring        EASEL’s Spring 2020 Handbag
         We’d like to provide some safety tips and   candies are especially toxic. Another staple   Bingo fundraiser has been resched-
   tricks to help keep all the members of your   of spring home décor is the colorful plastic   uled for Sunday, June 14 at 3 p.m. at
   family, especially the furry ones, safe and   grass often seen in Easter baskets. This   the West Trenton Ballroom in Ewing,
   happy this spring.                      material, if ingested by our pets, can lead to   New Jersey.
                                           intestinal blockages and require surgery.
   Flowers in Bloom                          Outdoor Activities                          Ticketholders who purchased
         Spring is often synonymous with flowers                                   tickets for the April 3 event can use
   in bloom, which, if you suffer from allergies,         After being cooped up all winter and   those same tickets to gain entrance
   may not always be a welcome thing, but   during the COVID-19 outbreak, many people   into the June 14 event.
   for our pets, it can be especially dangerous.   will celebrate by spending much more time
   Easter lilies, for example, are incredibly toxic   outside. It is important to make sure your         Ticketholders who purchased
   to cats. Just one nibble from the petal, leaf   pets are up-to-date on all of their shots,   tickets for the April 3 event and
   or stem can lead to kidney failure or even   as well as flea, tick and heartworm control   can’t make the rescheduled date
   death. Other flowers, like rhododendron and   medications.                      of June 14, can contact Annette
   azaleas are also toxic to our pets. The ASPCA         Also, if you let your animals spend more   at to
   has a list of all plants that are poisonous to   time outside in the spring, please make   discuss refund options.
   animals, along with photos of the plant, to   sure they are microchipped and that your
                                                                                        Thank you so much for your
   make them easier to identify.           contact information is up-to-date. If you   non nunc rutrum eget tempor neque
         Gardening is a favorite springtime   adopted from EASEL, all of our animals have   pellentesque.
                                                                                   patience and understanding as we
   hobby for many of us, but we should be   been microchipped and details should have   worked to reschedule our bingo.
   cautious about the products we use to care   been given to you in your adoption packet.   Mauris ac tempor leo. Mauris eleifend,
   for our plants. Many fertilizers, herbicides   If you like to open your windows and doors
   and pesticides are toxic to our pets. And   in the spring, please make sure that the

                 Donations are urgently needed during this

                 time. Please click here to donate online.

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