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EASEL News: April 2020

      Kitten Season (continued from page 1)

       animal shelters. EASEL, as you can   away if she feels threatened by you, so
       imagine, is extraordinarily busy this time   don’t get too close to the kittens.
       of year with managing the community
       feline overpopulation and dealing with   Okay…the mom did come back.
       the increased volume of kittens coming   •       Great! If the mom seems to be
       into the Ewing Animal Shelter.  EASEL   relocating the kittens, you may not see
       relies on 2 of its most successful programs   them again. If she seems to have set up
       during this time to manage the increase:   a nest on your property, you can provide
       Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) and the Foster   additional shelter and leave food out.   home to animals, where they are loved,
       Network.                             •       At about 5 weeks, kittens will start   cared for, and socialized until they find
                                            to eat on their own. Let your local rescue   their forever home. This program also
       TNR Program                          group know you have a mom and kittens   frees up shelter space to take in more stray
             As part of the TNR program, members   living on your property.  They can provide   animals from the community, including
       of outdoor cat colonies are trapped, given   traps once the kittens are weaned to get   those currently housed in ‘kill’ shelters,
       a health check, rabies vaccination, and are   the mom and kittens fixed.   where their chances of euthanasia are
       then spayed/neutered. Kittens and adult                                    great. If you’re interested in becoming a
       cats comfortable with human interaction   The mom hasn’t come back!        foster host, here’s some information:
       are considered for adoption. Feral cats,   •       If it has been several hours with no
       those that are not or cannot be socialized   sign of a mother, or if the kittens are in   What’s required of me?
       to humans, are returned to their home   an imminently dangerous situation, you   •       Love, care for, feed, and provide a safe,
       territory.                           should try to capture the kittens.    nurturing environment for the animal
             The TNR program has been very   •       Find a pet carrier (or a box if you don’t   until a forever family is found—each
       successful in reducing the size of cat   have a carrier). Line it with newspaper.   animal is different, so the foster period will
       colonies over time. Since 2011, EASEL has   •       Kittens have extra skin at the base of   vary
       trapped and spayed/neutered 3,736 cats   their neck called scruff. This is the easiest   •       EASEL is responsible for all of the
       from 596 separate colonies. EASEL can   way to pick them up and will keep their   animal’s medical treatments, so visits may
       assist residents who identify and manage   nails and teeth opposite your hand. Don’t   be required from time-to-time
       feral cat colonies throughout Mercer   worry, scruffing kittens doesn’t hurt them.   •      Bring your foster pet to 3 EASEL
       County.                              •       Kitten litters usually range between 2   Adoption Day events per month, and
             If you see a colony of kittens loitering   and 6 kittens. You may need to return to   make arrangements to meet potential
       about, follow these important tips:  the spot several times over the course of   adopters or, once altered, your foster will
       •       Unless the kittens are in a dangerous   a few hours to make sure no kittens were   be housed at the shelter or with one of
       situation or clearly suffering, do NOT pick   hiding out of site.          our off-site adoption partners (pet store or
       them up.                             •       Call your local shelter or animal   vet office)
       •       Immediate danger includes severe   control to ask what to do with abandoned
       weather (rain, frost, heat), a dangerous   kittens.                        Benefits of Fostering
       environment (near busy roads, loose                                        •       Lots of happy licks and tail wagging
       dogs), etc.                          Resources                             •       For most animals, EASEL will promote
       •       Most kittens found outside are being   For trap loans, contact EASEL Animal   your foster as an available adoptee on
       well cared for by their mother or by a   Rescue 609-883-0540   PetFinder
       community, called a “colony,” of feral cats.   •       For more information on abandoned   •       An opportunity to have a companion
       While shelters and volunteers work hard   kitten care:                     pet without a life-long commitment
       to ensure cats in colonies are “fixed” so   •   •       An enriching and rewarding
       they can’t reproduce, newcomers to the   blog/2016/3/10-steps-to-save-     experience!
       colonies often aren’t and reproduce.   abandoned-kittens                   •       An appreciative companion and
                                            •    knowing you saved a life
       But I don’t see a mother...          found-kittens/                        How to Become a Foster
       •       The mom cat may be out looking   •
       for food or finding a new home for her   wordpress/2013/05/what-to-do-and-        You can contact the Foster Coordinator
       babies. If the kittens look healthy and   not-do-if-you-find-a-newborn-kitten/  at 609-883-0540 for more information,
       uninjured, keep your eye on their location                                 and we encourage you to submit a cat
       from a distance (more than 35 feet) and   Foster Network                   (or dog) foster application online. Our
       wait for the mother to return. Healthy   EEASEL could not save as many animal   Foster Coordinator will contact you to
       kittens are okay without their mother for   lives as it does without its incredible foster   evaluate your household arrangements
       a couple of hours. And mom might stay   network. A foster provides a temporary   and personal preferences in order to
                                                                                  match you with a homeless animal.

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