Page 26 - 2024_LMD_Catalog_Neat
P. 26


      59      LISCO BUSINESSMAN 3101

              DOB: 01/20/23    REG: 20879882    TAT: 3101
            Connealy Capitalist 028#  S A V Final Answer 0035#
                                 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821
      M Diamond Businessman 727
            Connealy Capitalist 028  GDAR Game Day 449#
                                 S Gloria 464#
                                 Lisco Finale 902  SALE DAY DATA
            545                  Lisco Lass 201#    SALE
      Lisco Erica 118            Leachman Right Time#  WT
            Marcys Erica 545     Marcys Erica 866#  SC
       CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        11   -1.7  70  123  23    84    100    92   62   83
      Birth Weight:  56  205 Weight:  666  Calving Ease:  **   1@101
                                                                                              LOT 59
       A stylish well balanced Businessman that will work well on heifers.

      60      LISCO WRANGLER 324                              61       M DIAMOND WRANGLER 113

              DOB: 02/21/23    REG: 20879841    TAT: 324               DOB: 02/19/23    REG: 20873359    TAT: 113
            U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z                  U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z
                                 U2 Erelite 109Z
                                                                                         U2 Erelite 109Z
      S Wrangler 830                                          S Wrangler 830
            S Erica 6196         S Whitlock 179#                    S Erica 6196         S Whitlock 179#
                                 S Erica 3441                                            S Erica 3441
                                 S A V Final Answer 0035#  SALE DAY DATA                 S Whitlock 179#    SALE DAY DATA
            Lisco No Question 802  LA Lass 419#     SALE            S Cornerstone 607    S Blossom 0278#    SALE
      Lisco Shoshone Lass 4102#  S Chisum 0263      WT        M Diamond Manor 361        S Summit 4604       WT
           Lisco Shoshone Lass 2002 Lisco Shoshone Lass 6102  SC     M Diamond Manor 138  Ox Bow Manor 2313  SC
                                                    PAP                                                     PAP
       CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F  CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        13   -1.7  59  104  25   100     99    77   59   93     12   -1.2  64  112  29    100    115   86   63   75
                                              Dam’s                                                   Dam’s
      Birth Weight:  70  205 Weight:  624  Calving Ease:  **   Birth Weight:  65  205 Weight:  629  Calving Ease:  **   1@107
                                              Production:  8@100                                      Production:
       A negitive birth EPD with a 13 CED,  one of the better true heifer bulls in   This thick butted, deep ribbed Wrangler son will work great on heifers and
       the offering.                                           sire calves that will perform at weaning and beyond.

      62      M DIAMOND 23 WRANGLER 76-3                      63       LISCO T COALITION 386

              DOB: 03/02/23    REG: 20811964    TAT: 763               DOB: 03/01/23    REG: 20882110    TAT: 386
            U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z                  HF Syndicate 213Z    Connealy Consensus 7229#
                                                                                         HF Miss Blackcap 27R
                                 U2 Erelite 109Z
      S Wrangler 830                                          U-2 Coalition 206C#
            S Erica 6196         S Whitlock 179#                    HF Syndicate 213Z    Young Dale Xclusive 25X
                                 S Erica 3441                                            U-2 Erelite 1X
                                 Connealy Onward#   SALE DAY DATA                        Sitz Top Game 561X#  SALE DAY DATA
            Sitz Upward 307R#    Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M  SALE      JMB Traction 292#   JMB Emulota 013    SALE
      Marcys 13 Ethelda E 15-3   Marcys Traveler 1148 132-9  WT  Lisco Ethelda 872#      S A V Final Answer 0035#  WT
           Marcys 01 Ethelda E 82-1# Marcys 99 Ethelda E 929#  SC     Lisco Ethelda 806  LA Ethelda 035      SC
                                                    PAP                                                     PAP
       CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F  CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        6    1.8  64   108  26    121   104    88   64   100    7    2.1  61   110  30    89    100    75   55   82
                                              Dam’s                                                   Dam’s
      Birth Weight:  ET  205 Weight:  676  Calving Ease:  *   4@105  Birth Weight:  84  205 Weight:  683  Calving Ease:  *
                                              Production:                                             Production:  4@108
       These progeny are the product of another very successful flush. Once again out of the   A deep ribbed big topped Coalition out of a Pathfinder Traction daughter.
       great 15-3 cow who can’t be talked about enough. Combining Wrangler with 15-3 is
       extremely exciting from the maternal side of things. I believe the females produced
       from this mating are destined for greatness and the progeny of these bulls will be
       nothing short of that. These bulls have plenty of muscle and the cattle are going to
       perform extremely well. A very balanced set of bulls who I am very excited about.
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