Page 29 - 2024_LMD_Catalog_Neat
P. 29


      72      LISCO GROWTH FUND 326                           73       LISCO WRANGLER 305

              DOB: 02/22/23    REG: 20879843    TAT: 326               DOB: 02/17/23    REG: 20879834    TAT: 305

            Basin Payweight 1682#  Basin Payweight 006S#            U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z
                                 21AR O Lass 7017
                                                                                         U2 Erelite 109Z
      Deer Valley Growth Fund                                 S Wrangler 830
            Deer Valley Rita 36113  Plattemere Weigh Up K360#       U-2 Coalition 206C   S Whitlock 179#
                                 Deer Valley Rita 9457                                   S Erica 3441
                                 GDAR Game Day 449#  SALE DAY DATA                       S Chisum 6175#     SALE DAY DATA
            S Summit 956#        S Pride Anna 709#  SALE            S Chisum 255#        S Blossom 0278#    SALE
      Lisco Girl 525             Redland Emblazon 2134#  WT   Lisco Forever Eileen 8101  Sitz 4 Aces 4551#   WT
            Lisco Girl 1106      Lisco Girl 9102    SC              Lisco Forever Eileen 651  Lisco ForeverEileen 903  SC
                                                    PAP                                                     PAP
       CED  BW    WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F  CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        11  -0.2  66   121  31    92    98     66   64  108     11   -2.3  58  101  23    104    98    76   55   73
                                             Dam’s                                                    Dam’s
      Birth Weight:  75  205 Weight:  676  Calving Ease:  **   7@100  Birth Weight:  63  205 Weight:  649  Calving Ease:  **   4@93
                                             Production:                                              Production:
       A smooth made well balanced Growth Fund that has both a negitive Birth   A smooth made well balanced Wrangler that should work well on heifers.
       EPD and CED.

      74      M DIAMOND UPLOAD 123                            75
              DOB: 02/19/23    REG: 20877435    TAT: 123               DOB: 02/26/23    REG: COMMERCIAL    TAT: 343

            S Powerpoint WS 5503#  Tehama Revere                    U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z
                                 S Queen Essa 248
                                                                                         U2 Erelite 109Z
      Ellingson Upload 1004                                   S Wrangler 830
            EA Rosetta 6157#     Connealy Capitalist 028#           S Erica 6196         S Whitlock 179#
                                 EA Blackbird 0038#                                      S Erica 3441
                                 U-2 Coalition 206C#  SALE DAY DATA                                         SALE DAY DATA
            S Wrangler 830       S Erica 6196       SALE                                                    SALE
      M Diamond Gloria 331       K C F Bennett Fortress#  WT  M Diamond Gloria 1050      Connealy Capitalist 028#  WT
            M Diamond Gloria 899  S Gloria 1194     SC              M Diamond Gloria 577  S Gloria 1194      SC
                                                    PAP                                                     PAP
       CED  BW    WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F  CED   BW   WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        13  -0.7  71   126  20   100    100    96   58   84                               100   100
                                              Dam’s                                                   Dam’s
      Birth Weight:  62  205 Weight:  629  Calving Ease:  **   1@100  Birth Weight:  74  205 Weight:  596  Calving Ease:  **   2@101
                                              Production:                                             Production:
       Another Wrangler son that will work on heifers and leave behind the kind   This commercial Wrangler son will work on heifers.
       of daughters that will keep you in business. His $M is in the top 1% of the
       Angus breed.

      76      LISCO WRANGLER 303                              77       LISCO 609 CORNERSTONE 3009

              DOB: 02/16/23    REG: 20879833    TAT: 303               DOB: 03/19/23    REG: 20879872    TAT: 3009
            U-2 Coalition 206C#  HF Syndicate 213Z                  S Cornerstone 607     S Whitlock 179#
                                 U2 Erelite 109Z
                                                                                          S Blossom 0278#
      S Wrangler 830                                          M Diamond Cornerstone 609
            S Erica 6196         S Whitlock 179#                  M Diamond Enchantress 573  Redland Emblazon 2134#
                                 S Erica 3441                                             G K A F Enchantress 020
                                 LD Capitalist 316#  SALE DAY DATA                        GDAR Game Day 449#  SALE DAY DATA
            Musgrave Fundamental  MA Black Bess 642#  SALE          S Summit 956#         S Pride Anna 709#  SALE
      Lisco Mary 9105            S Summit 956#      WT        Lisco Blueblood Lady 8116   Connealy Capitalist 028#  WT
            Lisco Mary 781       Lisco Mary 965     SC              Lisco Blueblood Lady 668 LA Blueblood Lady 566  SC
                                                    PAP                                                      PAP
       CED  BW    WW   YW  MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F  CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK  ADJ IMF  ADJ REA  $M  $W  $F
        8    0.9  69   122  27    97    96     80   61   82     3    3.7  69   111  32    105    101   80   62   74
                                              Dam’s                                                   Dam’s
      Birth Weight:  78  205 Weight:  702  Calving Ease:  **   3@98  Birth Weight:  90  205 Weight:  757  Calving Ease:
                                              Production:                                             Production:  4@104
       A two star Wrangler son that is very well put together. An excellent choice   Another stout made Cornerstone Grandson.
       on heifers.

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