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                                                 Legacy                        THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF SDO CAMARINES SUR

                                                                                          IMPROVING THE ACADEMIC PERFOR-
                                                                                          MANCE THROUGH PROJECT DREAM –
                                                                                           DIFFERENT RESOURCES, ENGAGE-
                                                                                          MENT AND ACTIVITIES TO MOTIVATE
                                                                                                  Eddie F. Garcia
                                                                                                 Master Teacher II
                                                                                            Sta Justina National High School
                                                             IMPROVING THE CURSIVE HANDWRIT-
                                                              ING OF GRADE V-MERCURY PUPILS
                                                              THROUGH CURSIVE WRITING ACTIVI-      ABSTRACT
                                                              TIES USING CONTEXTUALIZATION IN   Students’ academic gain and learn-
                                                               ARALING PANLIPUNAN CONCEPTS   ing performance is affected by numer-
                                                                    Sharon B. Abonales    ous factors. When people hear the term
                                ENHANCING THE PERFORMANCE LEVEL   Caramoan Central School   “academic performance” they often
                                OF GRADE V LEARNERS THROUGH DIF-                          think of a person’s Grade Point Average
                                  FERENT ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHING                           (GPA). Gasco et al. (2017) noted that
                                  ELEMENTARY SCIENCE  (PROJECT         ABSTRACT           motivation plays an important role in
                                           DATES)               The study was conducted at Grade   learning because it greatly explains
                                                                                           academic performance. Students are
                                        Lucia B. Guanzon      V- Mercury class of Caramoan Central   supposedly capable of instigating, modi-
                                                              School, Caramoan Camarines Sur for
                                        Master Teacher 1     the School Year 2017 – 2018 to improve   fying, and sustaining information. Fur-
                                 Bato South Central School, Bato District   the cursive handwriting of Grade V-   ther, research showed that students’
     DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AWARE-                           Mercury pupils through cursive writing   motivations and strategy use have some
      NESS AND RESPONSIVENESS OF                                                            impact on student performance.
                                                              activities such as 26 alphabet and 26
      SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN THE        ABSTRACT            words, 20 phrases, 15 short sentences,
                                                                                             This study desires to determine the
     5TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF   Teachers need to provide experiences   10 hashtag making, 5 Tigsik writing, 3   effect of Project Different Resources,
            CAMARINES SUR        which challenge the learners’ current   paragraphs, 2 short poems, and 1  pho-  Engagement and Activities to Motivate
           Alberto L. Hernandez   understanding in order to help them re-  to captioning of scenic spots  found in   Learners (DREAM) in improving the aca-
                                 structure their ideas and thinking skills.
              Principal I       This is the main concern of every science   Caramoan using contextualization in   demic performance of Grade 11 Physical
       San Francisco Elementary School   educator today.  K to 12 science curricu-  Araling Panlipunan Concepts.   Education (PE) and Health learners of
            Balatan District      lum is learner-centered and inquiry-  A total of twenty-eight (28) pupils   Sta. Justina National High School for
                                                                                           school year 2019-2020. Interventions
                                based, emphasizing the use of evidence in   were used in the study wherein after the   along this project are sub-projects
                                                             Pre-Test, twenty-two (22) out of twenty
              ABSTRACT               constructing explanations   eight (28) respondents, were identified   LEARN-ing, GAWAD, COrP, Inter-Class
        The  study  determined  the  disas-  The participants of this investigation   in the Level of Needs Improvement in   Chapter Quiz Bee, DREAM Wall and Re-
                                 were 37 grade five learners in section
      ter  risk  reduction  awareness and   Capricorn of Bato South Central School in   Cursive Handwriting. The top 3 factors   ward System. This employed descriptive
     responsiveness of  school administra-                   that affect the handwriting of the pupils   method of research in answering the
    tors in public elementary schools in the   Bato, Camarines Sur. The Pre-test results   were 1) the pupils are not comfortable   research questions. The researcher used
                                in Science of Grade V-Capricorn Learners
    5th Congressional District of Camarines   for the school year 2019-2020 is with a   to write with the kind of table/desk/  validated self-made questionnaire to
     Sur, along the potential hazards and                     chair for writing activities 2) pupils did   gather the data, and statistically ana-
    risks, the level of disaster risk reduction   performance level of 31.61, it increased to   not know how to write the letters of the   lyzed using frequency, weighted mean
                                 51.78 in the First Periodical Test Results
     awareness and responsiveness in the                      alphabet in cursive form, and 3) pupils   and percentage. Results revealed that
    public elementary schools as perceived   but still with a gap of 23.68 to the plan-  usually race against time in putting   the project implemented improved the
                                  ning standard of 75. Thus, the results
      by the stakeholders along disaster   drive the Science teacher to innovate   ideas into writing. On the top five writ-  academic performance of learners from
     preparedness, disaster management,                      ing activities best improved the cursive   83.81% - Satisfactory to 91.125% - Out-
     disaster mitigation, response manage-  activities that   will en-  writing of the respondents, Likert scale   standing. The project implemented was
                                 hance the
     ment, and recovery management, the   perfor-             were used and simple tabulation were   highly accepted by the learners with a
      test of significant correlation of the                  done ranked from 1 to 5 wherein Cap-  weighted mean of 4.35. With this result,
     perceptions, towards the development   level of the        tioning rank   1st, Poem writing   it goes to show that the inno-
         of DRR Contingency Plan.   subject.                                     rank 2nd,   vation Project DREAM im-
                                                                                           plemented can be
        The study tested the null hypothe-  With the     im-                       Tigsik   adopted by other
     sis that there is no significant correla-  plementation of   the               writ-  subject teach-
      tion of the perceptions of the stake-  different activities in the   Project   ing    ers
      holders on the level of disaster risk   Dates it obtained a general weighted   3rd,
     reduction awareness and responsive-                      Hashtag rank 4th
    ness of the school administrators in the   mean of 4.66 with a verbal interpretation   and Paragraph writ-
                                of Very Much Effective. Thus it created an
      public elementary schools. The re-                       ing rank 5th.  For
    spondents of the study were comprised   impact to the performance Level of Grade   problem number 4,
                                 V Capricorn in Science. The Quarterly
     of the following:  school heads, teach-  Assessment results shows 51.78 in the first   simple difference was
     ers, and parents of public elementary   quarter with no interventions done be-  used with the mean
     schools of the 5th District, Division of   came 77.39 in the second quarter with a   score to find the significant
     Camarines Sur. Using the descriptive-  significant difference of 25.78 and reached   difference between the level of cursive
     evaluative-correlational method, the                     handwriting skills before and after the   and
     degree of correlation of the responses   the above target of 75 after the implemen-  interventions wherein among the twen-  can
                                 tation of different activities in teaching
      was measured. The statistical tools   Science. The implementation of the pro-  ty eight (28) pupils six (6) has significant   be
      used were the following: frequency                      level of improvement, nine (9) belongs   institu-
                                ject continued in the third Quarter and it
      distribution, percentage technique,   increases the performance level of grade V   to moderately significant and one (1)   tionalized in the school.
     weighted mean, and Kendall’s Coeffi-  learners to 93.46.   less significant. Keywords:  evaluation,
         cient of Concordance (W).                           cursive handwriting and AP contextual-
                                                                        ization            Keywords— Academic Perfor-
                                 Keywords: Enhancing, Performance
     Keywords: Disaster Risk Reduction   level, Different Activities, Elementary          mance, resources, activities, engage-
                                                                                           ment, descriptive method, Philip-
      Awareness and Responsiveness,        Science           Keywords:  evaluation, cursive hand-    pines.
           Hazards and Risks                                   writing and AP contextualization
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