Page 18 - LEGACY 2 v.1020 (UNOFFICIAL)
P. 18

     July—October 2021                              Legacy
     Volume I. Issue No. 2

                                  WORDS BY MILDRED J. PRADES     ceived their certificates as mas-
                                  gy within six months with      ter trainers and coaches.
                                  weekly coaching sessions        Roll -out of basic CI training to
                                  from the assigned            schools was the greater task
                                  master                            passed on to the team. With
                                  Coach of                          more than one thousand
        Since 2015, the Schools Division   Basic Educa-             schools to reach, the team
                                                                       started to identify the
                                  tion Sector
     Office of Camarines Sur has upheld  the   Transfor-                  schools and  start   vision had already organized four
     sustainability of the Continuous Im-  mation (BEST).                      planting    regional symposia before the pan-
     provement  Projects.         The team  com-                                 the       demic and another three regional
        The 3rd Virtual Regional Symposi-  pleted the course                      seeds of   symposia with the present situation
     um held on August 26, 2021, represent-  through a project                   commit-   under COVID 19 health emergency.
     ed by Catagbacan Elementary School of   presentation in the Na-              ment.    Currently a total of 40 projects have
     Goa District proved that the program   tional Sympo-                        The       been presented in the regional sym-
     remains nurtured and propagated.   sium on                                 Regional   posia prioritizing literacy, numeracy,
        Continuous Improvement (CI)   July                                        Office   contextualization in AP and SBM.
     journey in the division started in De-                                                   With these, School heads who
     cember 2015 with when former EPS                                            through   completed  the School Heads Devel-
     Mariben D. Berja , PSDS (Elem) Maria   2016                                the Office   opment Program (SHDP) course  are
     Elena A. Argarin, Admin.Officer Maria   where                             of the Field   encouraged to  implement CI projects
     Jean R. Sto. Domingo, SEPS Delfin A.   they                              Technical    in their respective schools for an
     Bondad and EPSA Mildred J. Prades   re-                                    Assistance   improved performance of  learners,
     were sent to attend the Basic Training                                         Di-    teachers and the school as a whole.
     Course   at La Virginia Resort and                                                    ■
     Leisure Park, Mataas Na
     Kahoy, Batangas.
        The team  pre-
     pared a project
     following the 10
     Steps of CI


                                                                                           opportunity to address their needs.
                                                                                           We are doing this not because we do
                                  adapting to the “new normal.” More-  moting habits in schools, such as   not see teachers as good teachers,
                                  over, it seeks to extend and sustain   WASH materials, and on teacher   but because we want them to be-
                                  programs for teachers’ professional   pedagogical readiness in using   come even better.” said Dayandante.
                                  development like the L&D System,   major alternative modalities in   ■
                                  and other existing systems such as
                                                               teaching learners in the “new nor-
      SERG                        the Philippine Professional Standard   mal."
                                  for Teachers (PPST) and the Results-
                                                                 SDO Cam. Sur is one of the four
                                  based Performance Management
                                  System (RPMS).               pilot implementing SDOs in the
                                                               Bicol Region alongside Legazpi City,
                                     The seven pilot schools under-  Sorsogon, and Iriga City. Headed by
                                  went intensive trainings regarding its   Irene Dayandante, Public Schools
                                  implementation on March 17 to 19,   District Supervisor (PSDS), as the
     WORDS BY  ROWEL S. BRIÑAS    2021 at Naga Regent Hotel, Naga   Teachers’ Professional Develop-
                                  City, with Orfelina O. Tuy, former   ment Coach; Dr. Josephine Doroin
            he Schools Division Office   DepEd Region V Director, as   (PSDS) as the SERG Focal Person;
            (SDO) of Camarines Sur is                          and Dr. Jing Gomez
            now implementing the                               as the Monitoring and
       T  Sustaining Education          We hope to create      Evaluation
    Reform Gains (SERG) project, which                         of Learn-
    has started in July 2020 in the seven                      ing Focal
    pilot schools: Nabua National High   the design that will   Person,
    School and Pamplona National High                          under the
    School for secondary while La Opin-                        leadership of
    ion Elementary School (Nabua East),   champion             Schools Divi-
    Salay Elementary School (Buhi                              sion Superinten-
    South), Pamplona Central School,                           dent, Dr. Loida N.
    Nabua Central School, and San Isidro                       Nidea, the SERG
    Elementary School (Pamplona) for   fairness, excellence,   division team is
    elementary.                                                now on its sixth
       Supported by the Australian gov-            and love.   sub-system of
    ernment’s Department of Foreign                            -delivery under
    Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and Save the   its resource speaker.    the Learning
    Children Philippines, in partnership                       and Delivery
    with the Department of Education   “We hope to create the design   (L&D) System.    PHOTO BY  RYAN B. ALBA
    (DepEd), the SERG project is working   that will champion fairness, excel-
    with DepEd until 2021 to ensure the   lence, and love, so that these teach-  “No teacher
    continuity of education amidst the   ers will be able to take care of the   will remain poor
    COVID-19 pandemic through the Learn-  students in the same vein of fairness,   in terms of quali-
    ing Continuity Plan (LCP) for Basic   excellence and love,” said Tuy in an   ty teaching and
    Education DepEd’s major response in   interview during the training.   instructional
    ensuring the safety and protection of   Moreover, said schools received   delivery. They
    learners, teachers, and personnel while   resource packages on health pro-  will be given the
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