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ple I work for—my
                                                                                          students and my fami-
                                                                                learning.   ly—and for the places I
                                                                            Lastly, because I   will go to in the future.
                                                                       was living alone in an-  It was an introspective
                                                                  other country during a pandem-  event in my life which
                                                              ic, I was worried about my safety and   taught me how to become
                                                                                          better for others.
                                                      dation.   health.                      The whole process
                                                 For two semes-  On the other hand, meeting these   started with challenging
                                            ters, I handled three   challenges of leaving every familiar   myself in many ways like:
                                       classes at the University of   facet of life has been the motivation   overcoming impostor
                                   Michigan.                  and subsequent reward for coming to   syndrome; overcoming
                                    For the last nine months, Ann   the US in the first place.   my fear of living alone and
                                  Arbor, Michigan has been a home to   It has helped me grow profes-  being away from my family;
                                  me. Ann Arbor is a vibrant community   sionally. I realized in myself how to be   challenging my meekness
                                                              flexible and resourceful in terms of
                                  that is home to the University of Mich-
                                                                                          and becoming someone who
     F                            dents. It boasts outstanding public,   cational system that US has is appar-  in a mid-year conference;
                                                              the learning format. The kind of edu-
                                                                                          would realize she can speak
                                  igan and its more-than 38,000 stu-
           or someone who comes from
                                                              ently advanced and different from
                                  private, and parochial institutions and
                                                                                          overcoming my low self-
           a simple family with a hum-
                                                              where I came from. A different kind of
                                  is considered the Center of Education
                                                                                          esteem by engaging in cultur-
           ble beginning in a small
                                                              demand was required of me when I
                                  in the Midwest.
                                                                                          al and friendly conversations
           town, finishing school is
           already a big achievement.
                                                              these, I was able to overcome these
                                                                                          people from different walks of
           What more is attaining edu-    This, by far, is    was teaching in the US. Despite all   and building friendships with
                                                              doubts and was be able to enjoy the
     cation abroad?                        the farthest       learning process. I realized that it is   life; and challenging myself to
       Ever since I can remember, our                         still possible to be engaged with the   not be boxed based on my color,
     family has always put a lot of hardwork   papa’s padyak    students virtually and that we can   race, or accent.
     and emphasis on education. I remember                    still teach language and culture   It has made me realize that it is
     each time when my parents would send                     online.                     only when I challenge myself that I can
     us, their children, off to terminals when-  has ever traveled.    I also learned how to overcome   give more—that if I was able to under-
     ever we had long trips. They would                       Impostor Syndrome. The first time I   stand myself and my greater purpose,
     accompany us to entrance and scholar-                    joined the class, there was too much   only then would I be able to under-
     ship exams, competitions, applications,   Aside from my teaching classes, I   pressure to perform well. I felt inferior   stand others’ perspectives and the
     interviews, defense, and programs.   also had to enroll as a student. I took   knowing that my classmates were   realities of the world. Only then would
     We’d sometimes spend money we bare-  courses such as Gender and Power in   very articulate and advanced. Some-  I realize that I am only a tiny speck in
     ly had for transportation, food, etc. We’d   Southeast Asia, Asian Solidarity Move-  times, I was very apologetic for minor   the world, capable of accomplishing
     also lose income because of missing   ments in the 20th Century, Transna-  errors or inconveniences in class. I   something. Only then would I under-
     pagkayod and pagtinda for days. In the   tional Feminisms, and Asian Pacific   think it is mentally etched in me since   stand how I can contribute to commu-
     end, I’d see them patiently waiting for   Islander Americans in the Civil Rights   I am from a different culture—a mi-  nity building.
     us—successful or not, passed or failed.   Movement which are my research   nority group, a third world country.   This has been the best thing I
       What was unknown and seemingly   interests. I had to maximize my learn-  However, as I continued attending my   have done in my life. I really look
                                  ing of these in the perspective of a
     impossible to my parents years ago has   country which is admittedly involved   classes, I gradually developed my self  at this as being about finding
     turned out to be both a success story   in many layers of these topics.   -confidence by participating in class   myself. And now I have more
     and a decades-long dream come true                       and by speaking little by little until I   conviction to go out and do
     despite the pandemic—that is, they   As if leaving a familiar way of life   was already doing presentations and   what I think I always wanted
     would send their child as a scholar to   in my comfort zone was not enough, I   leading discussions in class. Eventu-  to do. I think I now have a
     the US. This, by far, is the farthest pa-  had to adjust to the unique academic,   ally, my conversations with class-  greater faith in myself, and I
     pa’s padyak has ever traveled.    social, and cultural challenges of   mates and professors became really   have discovered better what it is
                                  living and studying in the US.
       What brought me to the US to work                                                  I can do as an individual. Indeed,
     and study for free was my Fulbright   I had to adjust to a new academic   Only then would I realize   I think my family has understood
                                                                                          this from the outset. They had
     scholarship, a grant from the Institute of   system, with all the differing expecta-  erased little by little the distance
     International Education, US Department   tions and priorities that goes with it.   that I am only    between me and my dreams,
     of State, Bureau of Educational and   At first, it felt different to teach in a      despite our difficult beginnings
     Cultural Affairs, and the Philippine-  foreign land, not to mention that I was   a tiny speck    and my distant origin. ■
            American Educational Foun-  to teach foreigners. It was incredibly
                                  difficult transitioning from the physi-  in the world, capable of
                                          cal classroom to distance   accomplishing something.
                                                                    helpful for me to rec-
                                                                    ognize my voice in a
                                                                    class. These reali-
                                                                    zations also add
                                                                   up to the other
                                                                   invaluable things
                                                                   I would eventually
                                                                   learn and use in
                                                                   my every day in
                                                                   the US.
                                                                  The Fulbright
                                                                  experience has
                                                                  also developed
                                                                  me into a
                                                                  better person
                                                                 for the peo-
                                             WORDS & PhotoS BY
                                    KRISTIANA MICHAELA P. EMBATE
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