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     July—October 2021                              Legacy
     Volume I. Issue No. 2
             SDO opens ALS-SHS                                                               CamSur team

                                                                                              wins regional

       CLAIRE T. MARQUESE            ALS-Senior High School is man-  Tabagan mentioned that the   entrep showcase
          epEd Camarines Sur  initiat-  dated by DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2019   program will initially accommodate
        D  ed the implementation of   re. Policy Guidelines on the Imple-  30 learners and will prioritize passers   SEAN MARBEN P. GUINOO
    Alternative Learning System for Sen-  mentation of Enhanced Alternative   or completers of Accreditation and   iving up to its moniker, the
                                                              Evaluation (A&E ) Program of the
    ior High School on August 10 , 2021 at   Learning System 2.0.  Specifically,                 Camarines Sur “Blazing
    Pasacao National High School, one of   ALS-SHS is the last key stage of the   previous year and must be at least 20   L  Giants” team of teacher
                                                              years old.
    the pilot implementers of the pro-  ALS-K to 12 key stages which is equiv-            and student entrepreneurs brought
    gram.                         alent to Grade 11 to 12.        Ms. Melody D. Aguirre , school   home top prizes in the recently con-
        The launching ceremonies were   According to Mr. Edgar A. Taba-  head of Pasacao NHS,  stated that   ducted 2021 Regional EPP/TLE/TVE/
    attended by  Pasacao Municipal Mayor   gan EPSA II ,in-charge for ALS-SHS,   this program would benefit the ALS   TVL Showcase on 5-9 July 2021 via
    Niño A .Tayco, Vice-Mayor Marilyn H.   Pasacao NHS, the pilot implementer,    Junior High School completers as   Facebook Live and Zoom.
                                                              recipients of ALS SHS Curriculum
    Sotto, ALS Regional Focal Person-Mr.   will offer General Academic Strand   with its  flexible schedule using  Dis-  The division representative in the
    Ric M. Tejeresas, SDS Loida N. Nidea,   and Technical –Vocational  and Live-          students’ category won Best in Online
    ASDS Sueño S. Luzada, Jr., ASDS Lynn   lihood ( TVL) while the other eight   tance Learning Modality. Five teach-  Bazaar, beating divisions of
                                                              ers  will be borrowed from the school
    Z. Padillo, EPS Imelda A. Nardo, SGOD   secondary schools namely: Magarao             Catanduanes and Tabaco City/Masbate
    Chief Pedro J. Pelonio, Div. SHS Coordi-  NHS, Lupi-Iligan NHS, Sta. Lutgarda   and another five  teacher-volunteers   City in second and third places, respec-
                                                              from ALS  who will teach after class
    nator Jeremias Masapol, Jr, ALS-EPS   NHS, Goa NHS, Nabua NHS, Bical   hours and  will  receive an honorari-  tively. Meanwhile, the teachers’ cate-
    Edgar A. Tabagan, Host School Head   Fisheries School, Tabgon NHS, San                gory team ranked third best in Home-
    Melody D. Aguirre and other local and   Isidro NHS-Libmanan,  will offer TVL   um which depend on the initial aid of   Based Retailing, just behind Albay and
                                                              the municipal LGU. ■
    DepEd Officials.              Strand.                                                 Masbate City divisions in the first and
                                                                                          second places.
                                                                                             The contest-exhibition aimed to
     Two SPFL teachers attend Nat’l Virtual Training                                      “reinforce the vision of creating oppor-
                                                                                          tunities for talent to be showcased in
                     in Mandarin, now HSK passers                                         various product and performance fairs
                                                                                          as proof of the learned entrepreneurial
                                                                                          and cooperative principles in the EPP/
                                                                                          TLE/TVE/TVL.” Also, the activity was
        GIRLYN F. AVILA                 oderick T. Encinares and   teaching and learning, and it has   geared towards identifying possible
                                                                                          sustainable agricultural projects in the
                                     R  Marjun O. Adan, both   pushed me to advocate for language   communities of Bicol that will serve as
                                  teachers from Don Servillano Pla-  learning, particularly in this time of
      NI HAO MA. Roderick T. Encinares and   ton Memorial National High School   pandemic,” Adan shared.    inspiration for future agriculturists.
      Marjun O. Adan, from Don Servillano Platon   (DSPMNHS), Sta. Cruz, Tinambac,   Encinares and Adan were among   The five-day tournament which
      Memorial National High School, intensively                                          was initiated by the Department of
      answer their activities as part of Chinese   Camarines Sur, passed the Hanyu   the thirty-six (36) participants from
      Proficiency Test Level I last August 18, 2021.   Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) or Chinese   different secondary schools from all   Education Region V Office through the
      Words by Joselito O. Belleza, Jr. Photo                                             Curriculum and Learning Management
      from Encina-  res & Adan.   Proficiency Test Level I on August   over the country who attended the
                                  18, 2021, as part of the month-long   said language training program.    Division (CLMD), started accepting
                                  national online summer training on   With this, both were qualified to   participants as early as June 2021
                                  Special Program in Foreign Lan-  teach Chinese-Mandarin at Don Ser-  based on recommendations from each
                                  guage (Chinese-Mandarin) from   villano Platon Memorial National   schools division office (SDO).
                                  July 19 to August 19, 2021.    High School, the only school that has   Through the Basic Education
                                     HSK is a standardized test for   been implementing SPFL (Chinese-  Program (BEP) and Basic Education
                                  non-native speakers. Organized by   Mandarin) in Region V since 2014.    Entrepreneurship Project (BEEP), the
                                  the Bureau of Curriculum Develop-  As of 2021, the said school has   regional exhibition focused on two
                                  ment (BCD) and Confucius-Institute at   already produced three hundred forty  activities called “doubled sim”: Sim 1 –
                                  Angeles University Foundation, Ange-  -nine (349) graduates during its seven  Online Bazaar (students’ category);
                                  les City, Pampanga, DepEd’s program   -year implementation.    and Sim 2 – Home-Based Retailing
                                  partner for the SPFL (Chinese-                          (teachers’ category).
                                  Mandarin), the training aimed to   Before the pandemic, DSPMNHS   Participants were given the tasks
                                  provide local Chinese-Mandarin   had been recognized for its wins in   of running their online bazaar on Face-
                                  teachers with valuable input in Chi-  the SPFL National Festival of Talents.   book pages, and presenting their prod-
                                  nese language teaching and inter-  The SPFL program aims to en-  ucts and business plans, before being
                                  cultural communication by strength-  hance the ability of learners to en-  evaluated by a panel of selected judg-
                                  ening their pedagogical skills so that   gage in meaningful interaction in a   es.
                                  they can address the current learning   linguistically and culturally diverse   Apart from the top prizes, the
                                  needs of the Filipino students.    global workplace. It helps learners   CamSur team also won the following
                                     “It was a virtual course that I   develop skills in listening, reading,   awards: 1st Place Most Creative and
                                  avidly attended every day for it was   writing, speaking, and viewing that   Innovative Bazaar; and 2nd Place Best
                                  delivered in a lively, relevant, and   are fundamental in acquiring com-  in Oral Presentation (Online Bazaar/
                                  meaningful manner. I've had the   municative competence in a second   Students’ Category); 1st Place Best in
                                  pleasure of learning the fundamen-  foreign language. More importantly,   Marketing Strategy; 1st Place Most
                                  tals of the Chinese language from a   the SPFL aims to further develop   Saleable Products; 3rd Place Best in
                                  passionate native speaker. Learning a   learners’ understanding and appreci-  Product Presentation; 3rd Place Most
                                  new language has given me a fresh   ation of other people’s culture. ■    ICT-Embedded Video Presentation
                                  perspective on foreign language                         (Home-Based Retailing/Teachers’
                                                                                          Category). ■
          DepEd Bicol recognizes two SPJ schools
                                                                                           to having four SPJ advisers namely
      EFREN C. BOGAYAN JR. | KAREN V. PRIMAVERA-BIGUEJA   Efren C. Bogayan, SPJ coordi-  from division to even national press   Karen Primavera - Grade 7 (Printed
                                                             conference, and I know we can regain
          wo schools in Camarines Sur   nator, and the late Mary Joy Bien,   it through the help of the school paper   Publication), Darwin O. Sentillas –
                                                                                           Grade 8 (Online Publication), Jessa O.
        T  implemented the Special   replaced by Roselle Jamee Yvonne P.   advisers and the SPJ coordinator,”   Sta. Ana/Tracy Jane S. Clerigo-Grade
    Program in Journalism (SPJ) under   Gonzales, SPA.       Escuro stressed.              9 (Radio Broadcasting) and Joselito
    the Special Curricular Programs of   DepEd – Region V officially rec-  Also, Escuro emphasized that   O. Belleza Jr (TV Broadcasting) –
    the Department of Education (DepEd)   ognized Pili National High School as a   since face-to-face competitions are   Grade 10. Radio and TV Broadcasting
    in support to RA 7079 which man-  Special Program in Journalism (SPJ)   not yet available, the school will invest   provided avenue for learners to im-
    dates the department to conduct and   implementer in the Division of Cama-  in joining online journalistic competi-  merse in the journalism tenets
    implement programs in various as-  rines Sur through a certification re-  tions to engage SPJ students in actual   learned in printed and online publi-
    pects of journalism.          leased on May 12, 2021.    contests and improve their skills.   cations.
        Ocampo National High School   PNHS aims to increase enrollees   Meanwhile, ONHS produced its    SPJ is a four-year course in
    (ONHS) piloted its implementation in   in the curriculum by reviving its out-  first SPJ graduates in 2021 with 24   journalism at the secondary level. It is
    2017 with 40 students spearheaded by   standing performance  in the field of   student-awardees and  garnered vari-  designed to develop the learners’
    the proponent, Ruby DC Aquino, then   campus journalism in the previous   ous winnings in press conferences and   skills in mass communication, print,
    principal, Guillermo C. Ortua Jr. and the   years.       academic competitions through the   online and broadcast media. Its focus
    school paper adviser (SPA), Karen Pri-  “I really want to bring back the   said program.   is primarily on writing as a process
    mavera; while Pili National High School   glorious days of Pili NHS in Campus          and as an art. ■
    (PNHS) pioneered its program in 2020   Journalism and witness again how   To establish linkages, the school
    with 25 Grade 7 students led by Dr.   the school can bring home awards   worked with other elementary schools
    Erma D. Escuro, School Principal IV,                     in Ocampo District.  From one adviser
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