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                                                Legacy                         THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF SDO CAMARINES SUR

        R                                                                                envisioned to accomplish tasks engag-
               ecent clamor about
               ‘continuous work’ of
                                                                                         ing in Teaching-Learning Process, Class-
               teachers even beyond
                                                                                         room Management, Community Involve-
               the closing of classes
               for school year 2020 –
                                                                                         which are all enclosed in the Key Results
     2021 has surfaced on national news,                                                 ment, and Professional Development
                                                                                         Areas or KRAs. This outlines the compe-
     social media, and other online plat-                                                tencies of high quality teachers, empow-
     forms. Included in the complaints                                                   ering them to move and adjust with the
     received by the Department of Edu-                                                  emerging occurrences of this changing
     cation is the preparation for the                                                   world we live in. The Department of
     submission of portfolio for perfor-                                                 Education is curtained to a fact that
     mance evaluation through the Re-                                                    RPMS-PPST tool will help the teachers
     sults-Based Performance Manage-                                                     be better with their crafts, and eventual-
     ment System - Philippine Profession-                                                ly, learners, among all people, will be
     al Standards for Teachers (RPMS-                                                    directly benefitted with this improved
     PPST).                                                                              performance of their teachers.
        Teachers began to question the                                                      Change is, and will always be, con-
     importance of the implementation of                                                 stant. And there will always be two sides
     RPMS because first, the deadline for its                                            of the same coin. The RPMS-PPST tool
     submission was scheduled on a school                                                may not be flawless as it encompasses
     break, and second, it resulted to too                                               more time allocations, effort, and paper-
     much paperwork, not to mention diffi-                                               work, but we, teachers must adhere to
     culty in collecting MOVs and other                                                  certain standards for us to unlock our
     evidences – pictures and videos, pro-                                               potentials, enhance our skills, and in-
     grams and certificates, and a lot more.                                             tensify our desire to serve a noble pur-
     All these, as they say, will show and                                               pose – to bring quality education for all
     prove how much work a teacher ren-                                                  and become better versions of ourselves
     dered for the whole school year, espe-                                              as professional teachers. And yes, I say
     cially under the new normal system of          WORDS BY LADY ANIE R. TRAPANI        ‘Yay!’ to RPMS!
     education amid COVID-19 pandemic.
        But do these MOVs really worth a
     thousand words? Will an outstanding
           mark truly measure how   effective and efficient a hardworking   Philippine Professional Standards for
                                  and dedicated teacher might have   Teachers or PPST in ensuring the
                                  been?                       delivery of quality, accessible, rele-  Change is anD will
                                     The Results-Based Performance   vant, and liberating high quality of
            But ARE these MOVs   Management System, otherwise   basic education in the country; but is   always be
                                  known as RPMS, is a systematic mech-  being implemented in consonance
                                  anism to manage, monitor, and meas-  with the Civil Service Commission’s
         really worth  ure performance, and identify human    (CSC) Strategic Performance and
                                  resource and organizational develop-  Management System or the SPMS.    constant.
            a thousand words?     ment. It is not only aligned with the   In the RPMS-PPST, teachers are



                           RYAN B. RASONABLE                         JEANNE MARIE C. FRANCISCO
                           Eusebia Paz Arroyo Memorial National High School,   Del Gallego National High School,
                           Baao District                                        Del Gallego District
                           I am immensely thankful to DepEd for giving us a   The DepEd SIM has been an effective pro-
                           free SIM card. Nevertheless, access to it is very   gram for us, teachers, to access data in differ-
                           limited on some sites, and no access for calls and   ent educational and social media apps .
                           texts. It should meet the needs of teachers in   Hopefully, I hope it should have more GB
                           building bridges towards learning in these trying   load to be used in attending more seminars /
                           times.                                 trainings and communicate more to our

                           MARIA AILEEN ALDECOA                              JEZER P. GONZALES
                           Ocampo Central School, Ocampo District       San Rafael Elementary School ,
                           I do not need to purchase load or use my own             Ragay District
                           data. When our WIFI connection slows down. I   Hindi siya puwede sa lahat ng area, eh. If
                           could also share connections with my siblings   puwede lang ginawa na lang na allowance.
                           for their online classes.             Para kung anong  nagaga-mit na network,
                                                                           ‘yun na lang ang lo-loadan.
                           JENIFFER V. AVILA                                XYLEANE B. ALFORTE
                           Tabgon National High School,                     Bahay Elementary School,
                           Caramoan District                                 Libmanan North District
                           Wala pa kaming SIM card. Hindi pa naibibigay.   We’re thanking the DepEd for this SIM card..
                           Baka next week pa. Pero incase, sana malakas   Nonetheless, It is still a lot better if allowance
                           ang data. Dito kasi mas malakas ang  globe. So,   was given so that we could maximize op-
                           it’s different from one area to another.                      tions.

                                                                              TINIPON NI KATHERINE T. MANALO
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