Page 11 - LEGACY 2 v.1020 (UNOFFICIAL)
P. 11
The challenge was raised, it
shouldn’t just be good delivery and
flawless video editing but to tailor-fit
every lesson before airing to make it
N because the goal is to teach not to efforts put forth by the concerned people
error-free which is just appropriate
early every teacher of
mislead learners. Considering that
this time, most proba-
and even the budget being spent for the
these recorded instructions are
bly, was born and
production of these TV-based instruc-
shown nationwide, it is inevitable
raised during the
times when television
use and employment in the distance
every time an erroneous part of the
is one of the major sources of enter- that concerned critiques would react tions should not go worthless. Its vast
content is noticed. Those should
learning for this school year is highly
tainment in every household. That is have been considered as constructive encouraged especially for teachers here
why, majority of them, on top being a remarks which should have been well in the Division of Camarines Sur where it
teacher, have fantasized of being taken to perk up in this mode of is still not introduced and widely patron-
actors and actresses, news anchors, teaching and still address recurring ized.
field reporters, program hosts and glitches. Surely, the DepEd national has their
even endorses of products. Any, as clear vision why they have initiated this
long as it is a personality that is tele- The labor exerted before having modality that is why regional field offices
vised or appearing in TV and maybe each instruc- tion on and divisions must have good structural
there is a certain percentage who screen is inconceiva- plans on how to incorporate it to the
have considered being directors, ble. Hence, all the per- distance learning framework for the
sons in-
charge ought
script writers or prompters—those upcoming school year.
who are behind the scene but have
disclosed their brilliance in produc- It is a known fact that every house-
ing superb shows. The labor exerted hold has a television, so it wouldn’t be
For this reason, when the Depart- before having each much expense and effort that from time
ment of Education have circulated the to time, teachers incorporate the epi-
sodes streamlined by the DepEd TV to
announcement that it would be premi- instruction on screen is the learning activity sheets and perfor-
ering the TV-based instruction called Inconceivable. mance tasks distributed and required
DepEd TV as an aid for distance learn- from learners. In any case, it would be a
ing and is in search for teacher TV great help for the learners to easily grasp
broadcasters, an avalanche of appli- lessons with the aid of every video epi-
cants had shown interest and furnished to receive much appreciation equal sode for it is concentrating on Most Es-
the necessary requirements to be part to those educators who have been so sential Learning Competences (MELCs)
of the production. tireless in carrying out other forms of and had been based from the depart-
DepEd TV has additional teaching distance learning. ment’s original Basic Education Learning
resource that offers lessons shown on Furthermore, these labour and Continuity Plan (BE-LCP).
various TV channels nationwide, such Mainly, additional tasks for teachers
as IBC 13, GMA Affordabox, Bean TV, would just center primarily on knowing
GSAT, Cignal Channel 49, and Youtube. the channels where the program could
After the stiff search, those be accessed in their locality and the
chosen were coached by first- schedule of what subjects, grade levels
rate individuals in the and competences are
field of media so they to be aired on
can perform their task specific days and
on point and in no dates. With the
doubt, this has been knowledge be-
working for a year now. forehand, they
Though on the first can now person-
few days of its launching, ally employ TV-
several errors were high- based instruction,
lighted by commentators support in spread-
to pinpoint department’s ing the information
inability to make TV- and eventually
based instruction a thriv- help make the
ing venture, all people television-based
responsible did not allow instruction widely
those remarks to wane known.
their desire to respond to Currently, television
the needs of those learn- is not anymore just
ers who lack internet ac- for leisure but for
cess and whose areas are information dissemi-
not covered by mobile nation and more than
networks but are having that for making edu-
trouble responding to cation possible de-
their modules with- spite this biggest
out someone or disruption to
something learning—the
interactive to pandemic.
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