Page 10 - LEGACY 2 v.1020 (UNOFFICIAL)
P. 10
July—October 2021 Legacy
Volume I. Issue No. 2
A minimum of five to six hours is
being consumed in preparing
the slides for every 20-minute
ights, video lesson. Speaking in front
L Camera, of the camera is not easy, with a
Action! green chroma key behind it audience online. Although accessibil-
As soon as the and flooded by bright ity to internet is an issue, as pointed
by Leonor M. Briones, the present
pandemic hits, educa- lights also takes much DepEd Secretary, ‘we must walk
time in getting used to it.
tion sector is forced to before we run.’ Teachers have to
reorient its method for a Lessons are presented move classes online and improve the
much-needed push for in a single take without quality of remote instruction. While
stumbling nor getting
digitization. The situation some believe that the unplanned and
transformed the system confused. rapid move to online learning, creat-
and has brought a para- Given a limited time, ing instructional videos and conduct-
digm shift in teaching and most if not all, ing online classes via online plat-
learning methodologies forc- teachers learn how forms – with no training, insufficient
ing educational institutions to to use tools such bandwidth, and little preparation –
re-imagine traditional class- as WhatsApp, will result in a poor user, soon
room learning and transition to Zoom and enough a new hybrid model of edu-
an online mode of teaching. Google Class- cation will emerge, with significant
Today, more educators are room, as- benefits. The integration of infor-
developing educational videos to sessing which mation technology in education will
support student learning. They are applications be further accelerated and that
are needed
teaching the lesson through the lens online education will eventually
of the camera, just as the students to reach become an integral component of
similarly looking to online platforms students school education.
and help
for instructional videos. As teaching Evidently, no sector was spared
and learning become more personal- them in this trying time. Through technolo-
ized, educators have to learn the inno- gy, the education system has provid-
vative teaching methodologies on a their
learn- ed innovative and resilient solutions.
The key lesson now is for the educa-
We must tors to embrace and venture on their
new roles in front of the spotlight,
without reservation.
Ma’am, Sir, Lights, Camera,
walk before Action! ■
we run. identify specif tasks
in their classroom. They
recognize how powerful the
case-to-case basis to suit the needs online platforms are to the stu-
dents, which lead them to learn
of the learners. about quality content for online
Ready or not, teachers shift learning situations, stepping up the
from preparing a lesson plan for game and creating higher quality
classroom discussion to being a content for instructional videos.
content creator just to mentor While this seems like a big task,
students during the distance teachers learn to embrace and to
learning, ensuring that educa- improve their knowledge in deliv-
tion continues via online ering reusable materials for
platforms. The teachers online teaching. They start to
enter unfamiliar build connections and to
territory, finding tailor content for specific
themselves serv- curriculum and process-
ing as directors es for the students
and script despite the health
writers for restrictions.
their classes. Yes, teach-
ing in front of the
camera is a chal-
lenge to face the
s we strengthen our grated also in the lesson
A health, the same VALUES RESTORATION PROGRAM plans of teachers, and a 3
should still go with our o’clock habit of praying
values. WORDS BY JAEL P. OLAÑO and thanksgiving are done
to promote prayerful and
In a January 2019 memo, the Godly environment in the workplace.
Schools Division Office of Camarines of ethics and values that will provide shall still be materialized. All of these activities are apt to Deped
Sur has launched and implemented the the country with righteous, incor- In the division, several activities are Core Values “Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,
Values Restoration Program (VRP). ruptible, and sincere service, as they being implemented, such as a 5-7 minute Makakalikasan At Makabansa.”
Headed by Imelda S. Del Rosario, PSDS, commit to live value-laden and exem- talk or discussion of weekly value-
Division Values Restoration Program plary lives until righteousness, trans- focused of an employee from a section Indeed, activities promoting
parency and accountability be the
Officer, the program aims to promote or unit assigned for the week, which is Values Restoration should be realized
and strengthen a value-laden atmos- hallmark of public service. held every Monday morning, right after in schools in the division and that
phere for the division's teaching and However, with the 360-degree the flag ceremony, and the so called schools should embark in these activ-
non-teaching staff. turn of our educational setup due to SPICE Garden (Spirituality, Patriotism, ities for schools to foster value-laden
environment not only to teachers but
The Civil Service Commission the pandemic, which prevented hold- Integrity, Courage, Excellence) that aims also to our client- our learners and
(CSC) and the Council for the Restora- ing face-to-face classes, line up of to improve the Gulayan sa SDO, where it stakeholders.
tion of Filipino Values (CRFV) have programs and activities relevant to displays value-focused quotations and
formed a public-private constitutional Values Restoration did not proceed Taking care of health is very
bodies partnership, which resulted to well. To address, the implementers, Moreover, VRP aimed to create much prioritized nowadays, but ig-
the creation of VRP, with the goal of with the cooperation of the teachers/ corners in each section or unit in the noring an equally important matter –
heads/supervisors, instead push
transforming the nation, especially SDO, where employees are to post ta- which is Values - is much riskier and
Filipino public servants and govern- through alternative platforms and glines or quotations anchored in the deadlier. As we save ourselves from
ment employees, to adhere to the code made adjustment to their proposals, weekly common value focused for the disease, we never go wrong with
so that objectives of the program
good manners and right conduct. ■
week. List of values per week are inte-