Page 54 - Mrs. Ranum's Digital Yearbook: 2020
P. 54
Dear Mrs.Ranum out of all of the math teachers i've had you are my favorite. I
know that we had our ups and downs but you very chill i'm so glad that i got to have
you as my teacher. I hope that you have a great next year. I know that 7th hour
was one of the craziest classes that you had, especially having Cooper and Drayton
in there. I really wish that I was at school being able to talk to you in person and
being able for you to roast me when I mouth off to you. I hope that none of that
great teaching goes to waste because you know that i don't like to listen a lot and i
know that i have some missing assignments right now but i will get those done
Sincerely Gabriel Andrew Taylor