Page 4 - Membership Services Information
P. 4
As part of your registration process, we will also
ask you to email us with confirmation that you QUALITY ASSURANCE
are a charitable, community or public benefit
focused organisation or project. Your will be
asked if you have any of the following to please To register for our membership services,
provide it. we need you to supply us with some
• Your charity number (if you are a charity)
We need to collect some information about
• Your CIC number (if you are a registered your organisation
Community Interest Company)
To collect information such as your charity
• Your constitution or governing document number (if you have one) and volunteering
(if you have neither of the above)
policy details we have a simple quick
questionnaire for you to complete
VCG is also committed to signposting
volunteers to safe and inclusive volunteering
opportunities. To help us do this, we ask all our Click here to complete the registration
members to have in place three policy questionnaire
statements. There are:
• Equal opportunities policy or statement of intent
• Health and safety policy or statement of intent
• Volunteering policy
If you do not have these policies in place was ask that you are working toward developing
them. We can provide you with templates of these documents.
Following receipt of your membership questionnaire, VCG will send you a manual and
confirm your membership with VCG