Page 5 - Membership Services Information
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Benefits of membership
As an organisation / project member, you can access the following services
Volunteering Opportunities One to one support visit provided, identifying
Promoted your organisations individual support needs.
The benefits of membership with VCG Self-assessment survey identifying the
means your roles will be promoted through robustness of your volunteering programme.
our on-line CRM system VC Connect. This Downloadable volunteering fact sheets
system allows you to create and manage and policy templates
your own organisations profile and manage Opportunity to attend volunteering best
and promote your volunteering roles directly practice taster session to gain an overview of
to people interested in volunteering. what is involved in managing and supporting
Search the volunteer bank for people volunteers.
interested or have the skills that match your Access to a comprehensive range of
opportunities criteria. volunteer management workshops
A membership services team to support you Disclosure and Barring (DBS)
to develop your volunteering roles and support
ensure your account remains up to date and Advice on volunteering roles and risk
assessment to ascertain their
Feature your volunteering opportunities on appropriateness for DBS check and level of
the featured opportunities section of the check if needed.
Volunteer Centre Greenwich Website
Access to a DBS checking service
Volunteering Opportunities (administration fee applies)
Promoted Volunteer Manager Forums
Need to fill a role quickly or have a short Topical quarterly Volunteer Manager
turnaround time to fill a role? VCG will make Forum for managers who like to get
targeted promotions to promote your role together, network and share experiences.
Promotion of your volunteer roles through Volunteer’s Newsletter
our cross-borough site with one to one
appointments with people interested in Need to promote something specific such as
volunteering an event, course or role? Put an ad or
Promotion of your volunteering roles at information in the Volunteer bi-monthly e-
borough events newsletter.
Volunteering best practice support on Consultancy
developing and managing your volunteering Special consultancy rates for member
programme organisation and projects to access
additional service