Page 7 - FIS_AlUla_Booklet
P. 7
Student Age range: 3 – 11 We prepare students to become:
Growth active, caring, lifelong learners who
through demonstrate respect for themselves
the3 IB and others and have the capacity to
participate in the world around
Programmes them. We focus on the development
of the whole child.
The IB learner profile is
integrated into both Age range: 12 - 15 We provide a challenging framework
academic and social life that encourages students to make
and teaches learners to practical connections between their
be caring, knowledgeable, studies and the real world. It is
responsible, principled, inclusive by design; students of all
inquirers, open-minded, interests and academic abilities can
balanced, reflective, risk benefit from their participation.
takers and
communicators. Hence, to Age range: 16 - 19 In this programme we aim to
be international-minded develop students who have excellent
learners. breadth and depth of knowledge –
students who flourish physically,
intellectually, emotionally and