Page 53 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
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had a relegation playoff with UCC. Myself and by some reputable news sources. I think it got
Gav O’Meara were on the bench for our first caps into the Irish Times as well!
and we came on in the second half. We won
thankfully but it helped having D’arcy, Horgan, What advice would you give to any young rugby
McCullen and Contepomi who came back to play player?
as well. It was so long ago now I can’t remember First of all you just got to enjoy what you’re
the song! doing, if you don’t like it you won’t go anywhere,
and then the obvious one is to just work hard. If
What is your favourite Rugby moment either you work hard enough, you’ll get the rewards.
playing or watching?
There’s a few to choose from at this stage but I Max Deegan
think the All Blacks win in Chicago will always
be up there for me. Or the 2018 Champions cup Why did you join Lansdowne when you left
final win over Racing 92. school?
I wanted to play at the top level of Irish rugby
Who are the best players you have played with and Lansdowne had that, I had also heard that
and against? it was a great group of lads
With: Isa, Paul O’Connell, Sexto
Against: Bakkies Botha, Richie McCaw, Dan When did you make your LFC debut and what
Carter song did you sing after?
My first game for Lansdowne was my debut and
Who has had the biggest influence on your was away against Belvo, I sang rappers delight
Leo is probably up there because I learned so What are your favourite memories of playing
much early on in my career from him. Auld Mick with Lansdowne?
Quinn is the one who convinced me I was good My favourite memories would be winning
enough early on as well. games and the craic you would have up in the
club house after, they’ll never be forgotten
You got your 1st international Cap during the
2010 November series. What do you remember Favourite Rugby moment? (Playing or
about that day? spectating)
Well it was a rainy day against Samoa. We won I was at the Millennium Stadium with my Dad
but not by a lot. It was a great day because of when we won the Grand Slam in 2009, that was
the quality that I got the chance to play with incredible
like Drico, Rog and John Hayes.
What are the main differences between playing
You are Leinster Rugby’s 2nd most capped AIL, Professional & International Rugby in your
player, behind only, our own Gordan D’Arcy, and opinion?
recently made your 250th appearance for the I’d say the speed at which the game is played
province. What does it mean to you? at is the biggest one, the physicality and the
Yeah it means a lot to me. To be mentioned passion players show is very similar
in the same breath as D’arce and to be in the
record books is quite special, to know your name What do you remember about the week
will always be there is quite special also. leading up to your 1st international Cap? What
memories jump out?
A few years ago, you were part of an April fools’ The two memories that jump out are my dad
joke, which involved a potential appearance in coming in the day before the game and giving a
Lansdowne colours on your return from injury. great speech in front of the squad for my jersey
How do you remember that? presentation and then the next is leading the
I think I just remember seeing it on Twitter first squad through a packed Shelbourne Hotel on
and I obviously knew it was a joke straight away to the bus.
so played along with it but then it got picked up
YEARBOOK 2020-2021