Page 57 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 57
But the gap in strength and determination With a squad like that so fired up, who knows
between the sides was already evident before what we could have done in the cup, had we
we had a numerical advantage as first Rory been given a chance? Let’s hope we get a
Cunningham then Rian O’Flaherty ran in tries chance to pick up this season where we left
(Rian’s first of three), to be followed before off the last one … wouldn’t it be great?
half time by more from Joao Vierra and Rory
O’Donnell. The toll at half time was 28 – 0
and after such a frustrating season, our lads
had no intention of letting up. And so, the
second half continued in the same vein with
our vigour and panache being matched only
by Belvedere’s tenacity against the odds and
sportsmanship in defeat.
YEARBOOK 2020-2021