Page 68 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 68
MINIS & Despite the lack of open competition, we
have been able to provide the teams with Tag
YOUTHS Rugby equipment which they have been greatly
enjoying. The club has invested in ongoing
Strength & Conditioning training with the youth
Brian Moran - Chairman of Minis & teams and this has been adapted for everybody
Youths from Under 12s up.
In the midst of a global pandemic, and as I write, My thanks to our squad of senior players who
we pass the midway point of our second national volunteer week on week to come down and coach
lockdown I feel it is important to acknowledge the youth teams and especially to the volunteer
the contribution of all of our staff, volunteers, parents who are the backbone of the entire M&Y
coaches, administrators, Welfare officers, Covid structure. Without your huge efforts, none of
officers, parents and children in keeping activity this would happen.
to the forefront of what we do at Lansdowne.
We will soon launch an online shop in
In January 2020 as we came back from the partnership with Uniformity and Samurai where
Christmas break, we had no idea what was ahead you will be able to purchase hoodies, track suits,
of us. Much to the disappointment of all, we training tops etc; - Details will follow.
suddenly faced into a curtailed and premature
season finale and the prospect of abandoned Looking ahead, working with Leinster Metro
tours and general uncertainty. Committee (my thanks to Luke Healy and Owen
It is to the credit of everybody involved at LFC Lydon for the constant work that goes into that
that we have been able to keep things going in representation), we are hopeful of a return to
our Minis & Youths programme. This activity play in the New Year. As we go to print, I can say
is vital in keeping the players busy and healthy, with certainty there will be nothing in 2020. We
both physically and mentally. have agreed a date of 2nd April for our annual
Minis Dinner. More to follow on that.
We have seen an enormous entry at the youngest
age group where Seb Orsi is managing a massive Whilst we’re eagerly anticipating a covid-19 free
group of over 60 children every Sunday morning. future, we must do what we can to keep things
This is no easy task and because of the HSE running for the sake of all our sport, our club
Covid-19 tracing requirements involves a lot and the mental and physical fitness of our young
of administration. Indeed, every single team is people. After all, ultimately that is why we do
doing their part to fulfil the obligation set down what we do - Strange Days indeed.
by HSE and IRFU and I would like to thank you
all for your efforts. Keep doing the same is the
only request.
68 YEARBOOK 2020-2021