Page 73 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 73
COVID-19 The following are tips on how to cope with the
unduly stress that is COVID-19:
AND MINDING • Talk. Share your concerns and how you are
feeling with someone you trust can help.
• Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, get enough
YOUR MENTAL sleep, try to exercise daily and make an effort to
maintain social contact, even if this is over the
HEALTH • Refrain from substance use (alcohol or drugs)
as a means of coping. This is not a long-term
The Imagine Health Team • If spending time looking at media coverage
of the pandemic is upsetting, try to reduce the
Over the past six months we have experienced amount of time spent doing this. E.g. 10 minutes
varying degrees of restrictions on our travel, per day.
work, and socialisation, all to slow the spread
of the Covid-19 virus. In such extraordinary • Try some meditation or breathing exercises.
circumstances, is important to look at the The internet has loads of credible sources for
possible consequences that these measures mediation and breathing techniques.
may have on our mental health.
• Lastly, remember self-care. Do things that
Research has found that people quarantined you know will make you relax and happy, for
due to infectious diseases have reported example, having a bubble bath, reading a new
adverse mental health outcomes following the book, watching a series/film, or exercise.
quarantine period. These included feelings of
fear, frustration, loneliness, boredom, anxiety, Making some small changes to your daily routine,
depression, guilt, among others (Hossain, can enhance your well-being. This is of particular
Sultana, & Purohit, 2020). importance during these uncertain times. If you
feel like you may require further psychological
As the novel Coronavirus grows on a global scale, support however, it is recommended that you
it is no surprise that many people are reporting seek professional support from a qualified
that they are feeling worried and anxious. It is psychologist.
normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared
or angry during any crisis. The constant stream We at imagine health are here for you so please
of media attention which this particular threat do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything
has received and continues to receive, has likely at all!
exacerbated these feelings for many people.
Some may also be experiencing behaviour The Imagine Health Team.-
changes as a result of the psychological effects
of the Covid-19 pandemic, these may include
changes in sleep or eating patterns, difficulty
sleeping or concentrating, and/or increased use
of substances (alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs).
If you have noticed any of the above emotional
or behavioural reactions during the past few
months, remember that these feelings are
perfectly normal. One of the most important
things you can do is acknowledge that they are
there. By doing this, and by accepting that these
feelings as normal, it allows us to explore and
manage them in a positive way.
There are many things you can do yourself to
mind your mental health and build resilience
during this time.
YEARBOOK 2020-2021