Page 77 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 77
Paul Clinch
Colm & The Lansdowne Legends
In 2002, Pete Purcell asked me if I’d be
interested in playing tag in St Marys in a vets’
league. I accepted thinking it would be a bit
of fun and arrived up there where we were
soundly thrashed by St Mary’s (which wasn’t frequently revisited this over the years: In
fun at all!). Brian Corrigan had assembled 2010, he turned 50 and became an even more
a motley crew and we had some great fun valuable member of the Legends squad as he
that season and with a couple of judicious was now worth a 3 point try. In 2012, our great
additions to the squad, we managed to win rivals Tag Stars (mostly Mary’s) unveiled their
the league. new star signing Dennis Hickie who turned
out looking every inch the pro athlete and as
Over the subsequent 18 seasons, the the game drew to a conclusion with Mary’s 3
Lansdowne Legends have played this league points ahead, Dennis cleared up a kick ahead,
every summer and during the winter many rounded the Lansdowne chasers, side stepped
have played tag all year round in Blackrock another and threw a magnificent 30 metre
RFC. Of those present that day, only 2 have pass across the pitch to their winger who
remained constant presences since – the was completely free, apart from the fact that
indefatigable Basil Conroy, and Colm O’Shea. Colm stuck out a hand, caught it and trundled
slowly 25 metres to the line for an equalising
Colm was a fantastic team-mate to have – a score. I was sent today, the apology that Hickie
very solid player, always turned up, never subsequently wrote to his team-mates: “…
injured (a very valuable quality in this group), Admittedly it might have been more enjoyable
totally reliable, always gave his very best and (for all non Lansdownians) if I hadn’t thrown
was a really solid sensible sounding board such a wayward pass that almost certainly
whenever there was any issue or difficulty. cost us the match… but these are mere details.
Friends who have spoken to me say that it was Next week I will endeavour to make sure all
this last quality that made him such a fantastic such passes end in the hands of OUR over 50s
chair of the competitions committee of the and not theirs”. Poor Hickie only lasted a few
Leinster branch. When choosing a teammate, weeks at tag, his confidence never recovered
I would always value effort over individual from Colm’s intercept!
talent, and Colm was the quintessential 100%
guy and someone you could always depend Colm’s children all inherited his love of sport.
on. Even when he first became ill 3 years ago, Paul, his eldest has a SCT medal and Mark and
he kept in frequent contact and was always Ellen play plenty of tag rugby like their father.
hoping to return to play and would attend It was an honour to present a photomontage
our Christmas drinks and end of season get of the below pictures to them only last week,
together. Also, I would invariably see him at and in typical fashion, he berated me for not
Lansdowne where his committee work and including any pictures of him sidestepping
support of the club was unstinting over many me! (I destroyed those!!) We’ll all miss him
years. terribly. RIP Colm – a great teammate and
One particular anecdote from his time
with Lansdowne Legends sticks out and we
YEARBOOK 2020-2021