Page 32 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 32


                                  MULTILINK AIRCRAFT


                                               By Andy Hubbard, head of cockpit communications
                                                                          portfolio, SITA FOR AIRCRAFT

                                           direction we’ve been taking for our aircraft   maximizing the benefits of the connected

                                           communications portfolio. Alongside   aircraft and connected applications.

              efore COVID-19, we’d been con-  our ongoing upgrades to mission-critical   Be it with our own EFB Weather Aware-
       Bcentrati ng all our aircraft  commu-  VHF/VDL networks worldwide, we’ve   ness Service (eWAS) or other connected

        nications efforts on delivering the services   actively evolved our core offering to   EFB applications, such as fuel or dynamic

                                                                               flight plan optimization, there are efficien-

        commanded by a 21st century air transport   encompass new generation IP links, such   cies and savings to gain from connecting

        industry.                          as SwiftBroadband-Safety, which provide   cockpit applications inflight.

         Sita For Aircraft experts from Rio de   secure, globally available and high-through-  Amid operational uncertainty, Unified

                                           put channels for aircraft data exchanges.
        Janeiro to Riyadh were working to pro-                                 Aircraft Communications provides the

        vide the coverage and capacity needed   We’ve launched AoIPConnect, the   industry’s underlying, multilink communi-

        to support overcrowded airspaces, and   industry’s first ACARS over cellular service   cations layer, designed and ready and able

        data-driven, new generation connect-  and helped airlines to optimise the use of   to respond to particular airline needs in an

        ed aircraft. Together with air navigation   cellular and in the near future cabin link,   ever-changing operating context.

        service providers and technology partners,   capacity for non-critical data offloads.   By identifying and giving airlines the

        we’ve been paving the way for an expected   We are also readying to support Iridium's   ability to better control their aircraft

        doubling of passenger numbers by 2037, so   new Certus connectivity solution in time   communications data transfer preferences,

        operators can fly safely and efficiently for   for full commercial airline service launch.  we can unlock the benefits of data that, to

        years to come.                       All this has already enabled us to build   date, has been left on the aircraft, due to

         Our Unified Aircraft Communications   greater flexibility, responsiveness and   transmission challenges and communica-

        (UAC) portfolio of globally-managed,   overall data bandwidth into our services for   tion costs. Our UAC approach helps airlines

        fault-resilient connectivity services is here   different aircraft communications domains.   to seamlessly manage costs, serves varying

        to underpin the industry’s response to the   In a post-COVID-19 operating context, the   priorities, and gives added assurance of

        'new world' challenges. As airlines manage   industry is likely to accelerate its plans for   service resilience, failover and business

        a careful restart under tighter margins, UAC   migrating aircraft communications to a   conti nuity.

        can give them the flexibility to choose the   more multilink environment, which is why
        best-fit solution for them and their stake-  we’re redoubling our focus to meet this   NEW OPPORTUNITIES

        holders now and in the future.     expected demand.                    Airlines continue to express an interest in

                                             As our customers focus relentlessly

        FLEXIBILITY AND RESILIENCE         on their recovery, we see an increased   our innovative ACARS terrestrial cellular

                                                                               option as part of their overall aircraft

        A dynamic aircraft operator environment   appetite for leveraging new and existing   communications strategy. Indeed, almost

        calls for a diverse multilink communications   technology to drive efficiencies. We see   every conversation we are having

        ecosystem, and this is precisely the   this focus playing out particularly around   with airlines touches on the topic. Our
                                                World Airnews | September  2020
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