Page 36 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
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matically managing engine power from the 27,000 feet - more than 10 percent lower
takeoff roll through the climb, cruise, descent, when compared to the King Air 350i. The
extron Aviation has ushered in the go-around and landing phases of flight. improved cabin altitude levels provide
Tnext generati on of its legendary This enhancement reduces pilot workload greater comfort for passengers, especially
King Air turboprop family with the Beech- and supports them in their continuous vigi- during longer flights.
A redesigned bespoke cabin design
craft King Air 360/360ER. lance to prevent over-speed or under-speed, features a stunning new look with cus-
The updated flagship turboprop offers over-temp and over-torque conditions.
the latest technological advancements in Another important update in the cockpit tom-built cabinetry, partitions and side
ledges, upgraded materials and finishes,
the cockpit, a redesigned cabin and en- is the new digital pressurisation controller, along with all new interior schemes. Other
hancements to passenger comfort. which automatically schedules cabin pres- amenities that come standard on the entire
The aircraft is currently in production surisation during both climb and descent, King Air line-up include pull-out work ta-
with customer deliveries expected to begin reducing pilot workload and increasing bles, standard power outlets, USB charging
later in the year. overall passenger comfort. The pressurisa- stations and a private aft lavatory.
tion gauges have been integrated with the
“The Beechcraft King Air 360 builds powerful Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion “We created an environment that provides
on decades of renowned versatility and flight deck. passengers with a greater sense of openness
reliability in the King Air family, and this up- inside the King Air,” said Christi Tannahill,
grade further elevates it with the aircraft’s CABIN UPGRADES senior vice president customer experience.
superior features and engineering advance- With seating for up to nine passengers, “The cabin experience is such a critical
ments designed to create an enhanced the latest King Air offers an even greater element when choosing an aircraft and it
flying experience for passengers and crew passenger experience than its predecessor. was important for us to surpass customer
alike,” said Ron Draper, president and CEO, The aircraft features a cabin altitude of expectations. Their journey will not only be
Textron Aviation. 5,960 feet at a typical cruising altitude of comfortable, but also a relaxing, enjoyable
“The aircraft is a result experience. The Beechcraft
of our extensive conversa- King Air 360 offers many
tions with our turboprop of the amenities that our
customers worldwide as customers desire.”
we continually increase
innovation and next-gen- KING AIR LEADERSHIP
eration capability to help Nearly 7,600 Beechcraft
them achieve their varied King Air turboprops
missions with greater com- have been delivered to
fort, technology and ease.” customers around the
COCKPIT UPGRADES world since 1964, making
it the best-selling business
A key feature of the King Air turboprop family in the
360 cockpit is the addition world. The worldwide
of the Innovative Solutions fleet has surpassed 62
and Support or IS&S million flight hours in its 56
Thrustsense Autothrottle. years, serving roles in all
The autothrottle supports branches of the US military
pilots in their critical mis- and flying both commercial
sion of delivering people and special mission roles
or cargo safely by auto- around the world. Q
World Airnews | September 2020
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