Page 55 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 55


                                     SERVICE CENTRE IN PALM BEACH

                                            service to a greater number of Gulfstream   It is a certified US Federal Aviation
                                            aircraft simultaneously. The Palm Beach   Administration and European Union
         Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation   service centre is well-positioned to support   Aviation Safety Agency repair station and
                                            customers in domestic and international
          has announced the official opening of a   markets, including South America.”  has maintenance approvals from Argentina,
                                                                               Aruba, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil,
          new company-owned service centre at   The all-new joint facility is nearly   Burundi, Canada, the Cayman Islands, the
          Palm Beach International Airport.   14,960m², with over 9,600m² dedicated to   Isle of Man, Mexico, Peru, San Marino and
           The facility, shared with Jet Aviation,   Gulfstream.               Venezuela.
          will have a hangar for each company and   The air-conditioned facility can accom-  Palm Beach is one of many new service
          shared office space.              modate up to seven Gulfstream G650ER   centres in the Gulfstream Customer
           “Gulfstream has had a presence in   or G650 aircraft. Jet Aviation occupies the   Support network.
          Palm Beach for almost 20 years with the   remaining 5,267 m².          In 2019, Gulfstream opened a facility
          capability to accommodate all Gulfstream   The Gulfstream Palm Beach facility offers   in Van Nuys, California, and expanded
          models,” said Derek Zimmerman, presi-  a broad range of services, including major   in Appleton, Wisconsin, and Savannah.
          dent, Gulfstream Customer Support.   inspections; structural modifications and   Gulfstream recently began operations at a
           “We are excited to open a state-of-  repairs; and major avionics installations   newly built service centre in Farnborough,
          the-art facility that will offer world-class   and system upgrades.  England. Q

                                                                     HIGH-SPEED, DUAL


                                            so customers can stream their favorite   To accommodate the option, Gulfstream
                                            high-definition content without compro-  aircraft are outfitted with a uniquely de-
         Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation   mising connectivity.               signed, space-saving radome. This service
          has received approval from the US federal   “We are pleased to offer this as a   can be performed at company-owned
          aviation administration for installation   retrofit to our current G650 and G650ER   service centers in Savannah; St. Louis;
          of a high-speed, dual internet system on   customers,” said Derek Zimmerman,   Appleton, Wisconsin; Dallas; Long Beach,
          Gulfstream G650 and Gulfstream G650ER   president, Gulfstream Customer Support.   California; Westfield, Massachusetts; and
          aircraft.                         “With the use of Viasat’s Ku/Ka dual band   Farnborough, England, with additional
           Provided by Viasat, the system gives   terminal that seamlessly switches between   facilities becoming available as needed.
          customers access to internet speeds that   satellites, we can provide customers with   The dual-connection internet service was
          are some of the fastest in the industry. A   fast and consistent coverage across the   first available for retrofit on the Gulfstream
          streaming video service is also available,   world.”                 G550 and the Gulfstream GV in 2019. Q

                                                World Airnews | September Extra 2020
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