Page 56 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 56


                                                         DRONE TRIALS IN SHEEP


                                                 Footage from a drone used in a trial to assess whether drones can replace
                                                               the attentive eye of a farmer. Photo: Agriculture Victoria

                                                              nator Erica Schelfhorst said the trial was already producing some
                                                              benefits with the bird's eye view of paddocks and sheep giving
         Using drones on farms is continuously increasing in popu-  farmers a new perspective on what is happening on the ground.
          larity and a trial is underway in Victoria to assess whether the   "Farmers tell me they're growing increasingly confident in flying
          hovering of a drone can replace the attentive eye of a farmer.  the drone and making decisions based on what they're seeing
           The 'Drones for monitoring sheep welfare' pilot project is being   on-screen," Ms Schelfhorst said.
          conducted by a Best Wool/Best Lamb group in Boort, Victoria.  She said exactly how much time the drones would save and
           The group's aim is to figure out whether drones can replace a   whether they could truly replace the human experience, skill and
          farmer in situations such as physically monitoring lambing ewes   know-how remained to be seen, but expectations were high just
          or making sure the water troughs are full, in turn saving time and   one year into the three-year demonstration project.
          money.                                               So while the jury was still out, she said Victoria's sheep producers
           They believe farmers can spend a significant amount of time   were at least increasing their technical skill and knowledge, while
          checking on the welfare of lambing ewes and during dry times,   testing the value of using drones in keeping a valuable eye on their
          paddock inspections are crucial to check on water supplies,   animals' welfare.
          available pasture and stock health.                  The project will continue until the end of 2021 when the results
           Agriculture Victoria livestock extension officer and trial coordi-  will be published. Q
                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                           GLOBAL 7500 EQUIPPED WITH

                                                          DUAL HEAD-UP DISPLAY

                                            ogy and automation at the service of the   The aircraft boasts outstanding low-
                                            crew, rather than creating technology that   speed handling characteristics on takeoff
         Bombardier has delivered the first   the crew has to manage.”         and landing, as well as the short-field
          Global 7500 aircraft equipped with a dual    The second Heads up display builds on   performance of a light jet.
          head-up display that allows co-pilot to   these advantages, with benefits including   The advanced wing on the Global 7500
                                            increased contribution from the co-pilot
          benefit from Enhanced and Synthetic vision   during HUD-assisted operations, easier   aircraft was conceived to optimize speed,
          for increased situational awareness  switching between pilot flying and pilot   range and control and ensure an exception-
            “This delivery showcases our    monitoring as well as valuable redundancy   ally smooth ride.
          outstanding commitment to safety,” said   during low-visibility approaches.  With its long-range capability of 7,700
          Michel Ouellette, senior vice president,   The Global 7500 aircraft is equipped with   nautical miles (14, 260 km) at M 0.85, it can
          programme management and engineering,   the latest Bombardier Vision flight deck,   fly eight passengers non-stop from New
          Bombardier Aviation.              featuring unprecedented automation that   York to Hong Kong, and Singapore to San
           “This cockpit is designed to put technol-  remains firmly at the service of the crew.   Francisco. Q

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