Page 16 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 16


                                                             THE BRIGHT LIGHT

                                                                                 OF DRONES

                                                                                         By Justin Melman

                                                                             hink of these words creator, initiator,

                                                                       Texpert, council, pioneer, pivot, leader,

                                                                       influencer, accelerator, innovator…

                                                                        A lot of people unconnected to the aviation
                                                                       and drone industry often ask what is the future of

                                                                       drones?  Then again, those of us who are connect-
                                                                       ed to the industry, constantly ask ourselves the
                                                                       same question.  In summary, there is never a short

                                                                        Testament to this was the recent Drone World
                                                                       Congress trade show in Shenzhen City, China.
                                                                       Over 1000 drones made by over 400 Companies
                                                                       from over 30 Countries were laid out for those
                                                                       lucky individuals who could travel.  A display of
                                                                       that magnitude could only be matched by Las
                                                                       Vegas trade shows for patriotic topics oozing
                                                                       freedom and Bald Eagles. Yet, as I have queried
                                                                       all along, with those sheer numbers, how could
                                                                       we as South Africans, be so narrow minded to
                                                                       believe that a single brand of aircraft, let alone
                                                                       their basic models of aircraft are sufficient
                                                                       enough to make any significant impact in our
                                                                       own local industry?  We as South Africans may
                                                                       be dreaming just a little too small at this point
                                                                       and blaming legislation for it.
                                                                       I don’t disagree that in some ways we are being
                                                                       stifled but we must ultimately consider the Risk
                                                                       versus Reward.
                                                                        What we have been shown recently however,
                                                                       is the world’s temperament to be able to remove
                                                                       people from jobs previously thought of as ‘Essen-
                                                                       tial’ to our modern world, while those thought

                                                                       to be replaced in the next wave of technological
                                                                       advancement came to the forefront with basic or
                                                                       rudimentary skills.
                                                                        Where most industries started looking for
                                                                       ‘analogue’ solutions to downscale in order to

                                                                       survive, a lot of other industries and people viewed
                                                                       drones as the one-stop, world saving solution.  The

                                                                       only reason I can attribute this type of thinking

                                                                       is because the world has never relied so heavily
                                                                       on technology to survive in an Armageddon like
                                                                       state and drones are correctly viewed as a leading
                                                                       technological advance.
                                                                        About the smartest thing I’ve read this week
                                                                       (bearing in mind these articles are written
                                                                       some time before publishing), is the retail giant
                                                                       Walmart teaming up with Zipline.  Zipline is the
                                                                       type of simple concept operation, made suc-
                                                                       cessful by evolving one-step at a time and really
                                                                       mastering the intended operation.  Walmart,
                                                                       despite its financial backing, has seen Zipline for
                                                                       the experienced partner they need to ensure
                                                                       the population stocked up on their BBQ sauce

                                                  World Airnews | October 2020
                                                  W orld Airne w s | Oct ober 2020
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