Page 17 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 17


         (as I am sure that could be considered an   being trialled in the UK to ultimately save
         American health and wellness product).  lives in the Search and Rescue arena,
           Inner city drone deliveries have become   instead of the usual clandestine missions
 THE BRIGHT LIGHT  somewhat of an obsession with a sliding   that spark geo-political imbalances.  Just
                                             as with Super-Glue, GPS, Aviator Sun-
         goal post for the approvals process.  It
                                             glasses and radio control, military tech
         seems the world’s Aviation Inspectors
         share the same sentiments in not wanting   is being adapted and absorbed into our
 OF DRONES  to be the one responsible for placing a   lives as every day, off the shelf, products
                                             these days.
         signature on a piece of paper granting
         a permission in case something goes   Another buzzword is, ‘Smart City’,
 By Justin Melman  horribly wrong.  I am not sure how many   with VTOL Electric passenger carrying
         of you saw the video of a large multirotor   drones being the dream many First World
         drone spinning out of control in China   countries are hoping to achieve. I predict
         while dropping candy over a crowd of   that the greatest struggle will be human
         people but people were injured and it   confidence in accepting a concept such as

 hink of these words creator, initiator,   was not a great advert for our industry.  getting into a relatively small space and

 Texpert, council, pioneer, pivot, leader,   I visited the group of Innovators and   having absolutely no control over the air-
 influencer, accelerator, innovator…   Engineers in Dallas who developed the   craft or your fate.  Despite the fact that we

 A lot of people unconnected to the aviation   Uber Eats delivery aircraft back in 2018,   put ourselves in the same position when

 and drone industry often ask what is the future of   very shortly after they had run what   using a taxi, commercial airliner or cable

 drones?  Then again, those of us who are connect-  could only have been successful trials due   car.  I’d probably liken it to being able to
 ed to the industry, constantly ask ourselves the   to specific mission successes.  Their only   ‘cold-call’ a stranger using a cell phone, but
 same question.  In summary, there is never a short   setback at that point, however, was leg-  having nerves set in and almost paralysing

 answer.  islation and finding an inspector willing   some of the most confident people once        Justin Melman

 Testament to this was the recent Drone World   to place their signature on the approval   you instruct them to make a radio call to

 Congress trade show in Shenzhen City, China.    letter.  traffic in the area.

 Over 1000 drones made by over 400 Companies   A noteworthy observation is the time-  The future for drones is like walking   near epilepsy.  As with anything Aviation,

 from over 30 Countries were laid out for those   ous integration of military tech creeping   through Times Square in New York at   only those with the passion for it will
 lucky individuals who could travel.  A display of   into our everyday civilian lives.  Elbit now   night.  Bright enough to amaze you, while   endure a little discomfort because you just

 that magnitude could only be matched by Las   has a civilian version of the Hermes 900   completely overwhelming your senses to   can’t stop staring. Q
 Vegas trade shows for patriotic topics oozing
 freedom and Bald Eagles. Yet, as I have queried
 all along, with those sheer numbers, how could
 we as South Africans, be so narrow minded to
 believe that a single brand of aircraft, let alone   UNMANNED
 their basic models of aircraft are sufficient
 enough to make any significant impact in our
 own local industry?  We as South Africans may
 be dreaming just a little too small at this point
 and blaming legislation for it.    COUNTER-DRONE TECHNOLOGY
 I don’t disagree that in some ways we are being
 stifled but we must ultimately consider the Risk
 versus Reward.            TO THE ROYAL AIR FORCE
 What we have been shown recently however,
 is the world’s temperament to be able to remove
 people from jobs previously thought of as ‘Essen-

 tial’ to our modern world, while those thought   The threat posed by rogue drones is   operators will be examining the most

 to be replaced in the next wave of technological   being taken extremely seriously by the   effective ways to detect, track, identify
 advancement came to the forefront with basic or   eonardo in the UK has delivered   UK ministry of defence and therefore   and defeat rogue drones. In the long-
 rudimentary skills.  Lthe fi rst of four complete baseline   the C-UAS study programme, managed   run, the research and development pro-
 Where most industries started looking for   counter-drone systems to the Royal Air   by defence equipment and support   gramme will inform the requirements

 ‘analogue’ solutions to downscale in order to   Force in support of the next stage of   future capability group, is considered   for a core RAF counter-drone capability,
 survive, a lot of other industries and people viewed   its Counter-Unmanned Aerial System   highly important to the security of the   intended to protect air bases around
 drones as the one-stop, world saving solution.  The   (C-UAS) research and development   nati on.   the UK.

 only reason I can attribute this type of thinking   programme.   Leonardo is working hard to ensure   Elements of Leonardo’s C-UAS

 is because the world has never relied so heavily   The ORCUS system is now playing a   that the programme continues to be   equipment were previously operated by

 on technology to survive in an Armageddon like   key role in a wide-ranging testing and   delivered, despite the disruption caused   the RAF force protection force in 2018

 state and drones are correctly viewed as a leading   evaluation campaign which will improve   by the global corona virus pandemic.  and 2019, following drone sightings at

 technological advance.    the Air Force’s understanding of how it   The modular systems provided by   Gatwick and Heathrow airports, allow-

 About the smartest thing I’ve read this week   can employ technology in response to   Leonardo will allow the RAF to eval-  ing airport operations to resume.

 (bearing in mind these articles are written   the threat posed by hostile drones.  uate a range of capabilities including   Leonardo offers its scalable and mod-

 some time before publishing), is the retail giant   The RAF will also maintain the ORCUS   advanced radar, electro-optic and radio   ular C-UAS systems to military and civil

 Walmart teaming up with Zipline.  Zipline is the   system as an upgraded national standby   frequency sensors and an electronic   customers internationally. The company

 type of simple concept operation, made suc-  capability, to be rapidly deployed   attack countermeasure. In due course,   has been contracted for C-UAS equip-
 cessful by evolving one-step at a time and really   anywhere in the country in support of   further systems will be integrated for   ment for the Italian army and air force

 mastering the intended operation.  Walmart,   emergency services in the event of a   testing and evaluation.  and is in discussions with other potential
 despite its financial backing, has seen Zipline for   drone-based crisis.  Throughout, RAF Force Protection   customers worldwide. Q

 the experienced partner they need to ensure
 the population stocked up on their BBQ sauce
 World Airnews | October 2020
 W orld Airne w s | Oct ober 2020                  World Airnews | October 2020
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