Page 22 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 22


                                  LOOK AT THE FLYING-V

                                           Delft in June 2019 at the International Air   "And then, to have it confirmed that it

                                           Transport Association's annual general   flies, all of that hard work, it was worth

                scaled model of KLM Royal Dutch   meeting in Seoul, South Korea.  putting in all of the hours making sure ev-

        AAirlines' aircraft  of the future just   Airlines and aircraft manufacturers   erything's correct and built properly, built

        took flight for the first time in a milestone   are looking beyond today's conventional   accurately, and it pays off."

        event for the Dutch flag carrier's push for   aircraft into the designs of the future with   Though not a full-size prototype, the

        more efficient and environmentally respon-  the flying wing design gaining traction.   scaled model proves that the aircraft is

                                                                               aerodynamically sound and can fly as
                                           Industry trends call for smaller and more

        sible aircraft.                    efficient aircraft in contrast to the golden   designed. It's now up to the two companies

         Engineers got their first look at what   age of aviation that demanded larger   to build the full-size prototype that can

        might one day by the new flagship of KLM's   aircraft like the four-engine Boeing 747   hold passengers and people, an investment

        fleet recently when the futuristic-looking   that was once required for non-stop long-  potentially calling for billions in research

        Flying-V demonstrator successfully took to   range travel.             and development.
        the skies above Germany.             KLM said the Flying-V would have the   European aircraft manufacturing giant

         The remote-controlled flight was the   same wingspan as an Airbus A350 aircraft,   Airbus revealed its flying wing demonstra-

        culmination of two-year's work of engi-  which would allow it to utilize existing   tor in February at the Singapore Air show

        neers from KLM and the Delft University of   airport gates and taxiways, a problem   2020, signalling its interest in the "blended

        Technology, also known as TU Delft.   Boeing engineers had to solve with the   wing" design type as a potential direction

         The Flying-V differs from conventional   new folding wing-equipped 777X. And de-  for its commercial aircraft line-up. Interior

        aircraft as the fuselage and wings are   spite being able to carry roughly the same   renderings show parallel passenger cabins
        merged to form one giant flying wing.   number of passengers, the Flying-V will be   that take advantage of the aircraft's width

        New long-range aircraft from Airbus and   able to fly farther than the A350 with the   to house additional passengers.

        Boeing focus on efficiency through the use   same fuel load.            The US military has its own flying

        of composites and fuel-efficient engines,   Passenger cabins would likely be split be-  wing, a stealth bomber known as the B-2

        but flying wing aircraft take efficiency   tween the two legs of the V-shape fuselage   Spirit that's been serving the Air Force

        to the next level with a radically new   design while turbofan engines powering   since 1993, according to
        aerodynamically friendly fuselage design   the wing would rest on top of the fuse-  Designed for speed, stealth, and range,
        that enables longer ranges and better fuel   lage instead of below the wing, a rare but   the B-2 Spirit can fly up to 6,000 nauti-

        performance.                       proven design.                      cal miles, according to the US Air Force,
         Researchers said the design will reduce   KLM and TU Delft engineers and re-  without stopping thanks to its aerody-

        fuel consumption by 20% from today's   searchers headed to an airbase in neigh-  namically friendly design that commercial

        most advanced aircraft such as the Airbus   bouring Germany for the first flight where   airlines hope to one day take advantage

        A350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner, both   the scaled model was manned by a drone   of, though flying passengers instead of
        of which are currently employed by Air   pilot directing the aircraft via remote   munitions.

        France-KLM, parent company to the Dutch   control.                      KLM hasn't given a timeline as to when
        carrier and one of the largest airline groups   "It's been two years of intense stressful   the Flying-V can be expected, but normal
        in Europe.                         work to reach this moment," Malcolm   aircraft development can last around 10

         KLM first announced its investment in   Brown, TU Delft's chief engineer for the   years from the drawing board to certifi-

        designing the craft in conjunction with TU   Flying-V testing programme, said.   cation. Q

                                                 World Airnews | October  2020
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