Page 48 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 48
By Kaleyesus Bekele
marketing support systems. Gobena was period of time. He was a disciplined and
then promoted to the positions of director God-fearing person. Above all what amazed
The African airline industry this week of marketing information systems, area me most was his willingness to share his
manager France based in Paris, regional
lost an iconic personality who served the director of Southern Europe based in knowledge of the airline business.”
continent for more than 34 years-Gobena Rome, regional director of North and South Gobena liked the people of Rwanda and
Mikael Imiru. America based in Washington DC. the country. The Rwandese people showed
their high regard and respect to him during
Gobena first worked at Ethiopian Airlines After completing these assignments, the tribute ceremony held at the headquar-
for 27 years and went onto to serve Gobena returned to Ethiopia and went on ters of RwandAir.
RwandAir for six years. He was loved and to spear-head the massive change man- “We lost such a good person who was
respected by his colleagues at Ethiopian agement programme in Ethiopian Airlines also a plat of RwandAir and it will never be
Airlines who affectionately call him “Gena”. as senior director change management. the same without him. We will all miss him
He joined Ethiopian Airlines at the tender He then joined the Ethiopian Airlines immensely. He was a big brother more than
age of 25 years. executive management team as senior vice a colleague,” Yvonne Manzi Makolo CEO of
He also earned recognition from Kigali president of global sales and finally as chief RwandAir stated.
where he served the national carrier commercial officer of the airline. Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde
RwandAir since 2014. He held the position As a seasoned aviation expert, Gobena Gebremriam said Gobena’s sudden death
of general manager was very shocking and sad.
commercial or chief In a statement sent to The
commercial officer. Reporter Tewolde said he
Gobena was a founding knew Gobena for the last
member and senior 34 years. “He was friendly,
partner of AFRI Aviation straight forward and direct
Plc, an aviation consultancy person who spoke his mind at
firm based in Addis Ababa. all times,” Tewolde said. “We
Gobena passed away on will miss him a lot. May God
September 21 at the age bless his soul and give the
of 58 in Kigali where he strength to his loved ones to
was hospitalised for few manage the pain and grief of
days. The management and his death,” he added.
employees of RwandAir Over the years Gobena had
paid tributes to him before established a strong network
sending his body home. in the African airline industry
A large number of senior and become a credible
staff of Ethiopian Airlines, source of information for
his family, relatives and industry players and aviation
friends then received his journalists.
body at Bole International Airport and laid Prof Wolfgang H. Thome, a renowned
him to rest the following day at the Holy had represented Ethiopian Airlines on aviation and tourism writer, said Gobena
Trinity Cathedral Church. numerous forums and addressed several was a reliable source of information.
Born to his father Lej Mikael Imiru, a meetings and conferences. “This is a very sad day. He had become
close relative of Emperor Hailesillassie - the His long-time friend and colleague Girma a good friend over the years and a reliable
last prime minister of the imperial regime Wake, former CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, source for aviation news from across
- and his mother Almaz Teklehawariat, remembers Gobena as a young hard Africa. I express my deepest sympathy and
Gobena Mikael attended the American working man in the early 1980s. sincere condolences to his family, friends
Community School in Addis Ababa and “He joined Ethiopian after he graduated and colleagues.”
graduated from the Addis Ababa University from the Addis Ababa University. I knew Ethiopia’s Ambassador to France Henok
with a BSc degree in Mathematics. him while he was working in the space Teferra Shawl said Gobena was a good
Gobena held a diploma in airline control department. He was a dedicated person and a great professional. “It was an
marketing and finance, an MSC degree in and hard-working,” Girma said. honour to serve with him at Ethiopian. My
information science. “He did not get satisfied easily. He was sincere condolences to his family, who are
Prior to joining RwandAir, Gobena served detail oriented,” he added. in our prayers and thoughts,” Henok said.
Ethiopian Airlines with distinction in Girma a former board chairman of Gobena was in Addis Ababa last March
various positions. RwandAir worked with Gobena in Kigali for to attend the Aviation Africa Conference
He held the positions of manager pricing, three years. which attracted more than 900 delegates
manager sales development, manager “He won the hearts and minds of our at Ethiopian Skylight Hotel. He is survived
marketing automation and project manager Rwandese brothers and sisters with a short by his son and wife. Q
World Airnews | October Extra 2020
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