Page 44 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 44


                                  A STRONG CO-ORDINATED


                                           proposals that governments can adopt to   costs related to public health measures

                                           accelerate a restart and ensure a sustained   aimed at mitigating the spread of com-
              he Airports Council International   long-term recovery.          municable diseases should be borne by

        Thas laid out a road map for the     The document urges governments to al-  national governments.
        recovery of the airport sector and wider   leviate travel restrictions - as soon as rec-  “As the airport sector has been among

        aviation ecosystem from the devastating   ommended by national and international   the industry’s most affected by the global

        impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic   health authorities - and to conduct a prop-  COVID-19 pandemic and is confronted by a

                                                                               crisis of liquidity and existential uncertain-

        as aviation is one of the most strategic   er cost-benefit analysis to decide whether   ty, financial support is urgently needed,”

        sectors of national and global economies.   to continue levying passenger-based taxes   ACI world director general Luis Felipe de

         It is essential for trade, business, tourism,   or if higher national income could be   Oliveira said.

        and economic growth but ACI recently   generated from the additional economic   “Airports are major supporters of United

        revealed that the airport industry is an-  activity arising from aviation.  Nations Sustainable Development Goals

        ticipating that global passenger numbers   Governments are also urged to sup-  8, 9 and 10 concerning work and eco-

        will decrease by -5.6 billion this year, along   port the financial viability of the industry   nomic growth, industry, innovation and

        with an unprecedented (US) $104.5 billion   through direct financial support that bene-  infrastructure and reduced inequalities.

        reduction in revenue.              fits the entire aviation ecosystem - airports,   Airports and aviation support other goals,

         A recovery of aviation will fuel a global   airlines and their commercial partners - to   such as reducing poverty, facilitating

        economic recovery and the policy brief en-  protect essential operations and jobs.   access to quality education, promoting

        titled: Path to the airport industry recovery   Additionally and in accordance with   gender equality, building sustainable cities

        - Restoring a sustainable economic equi-  World Health Organization’s (WHO) Inter-  and communities and partnering for the

        librium puts forward policy and assistance   national Health Regulations, ACI believes   goals with other industries”. Q
                          WORLD WAR II AIR FORCE
                      VETERAN FLIES HIGH AT 100
                                                                                     By Siphokazi Vuso

                                             Subsequently he was sent to North   nearly 75 years and in all that time we
                                            Africa in September 1941, where he was   have never heard a harsh or unkind

                     orld War II recce pilot   posted to No 40 squadron.     word. They are still in love, and still
          WMichael Welchman was              His eldest grandson, Kieron Alston,   devoted to each other. We cannot
           treated to a birthday cake and pres-  said despite being frail and hard of hear-  thank them enough for an upbringing

           ents fit for a centenarian alongside   ing, when his grandfather saw a book   that was always caring and peaceful,”
           his wife Betty when the South African   about ex-flying colleague Bob Rogers he   she said.

           Air Force Association (SAAFA) Whale   got excited and said “Oh, that’s just what   SAAFA Whale Coast branch chairper-

           Coast branch hosted a brief celebration   I want!”                son Marthie Visser said Welchman’s
                                                                             birthday coincided with the South
           outside the care centre where he lives   Welchman’s eldest daughter Jenty   African Air Force’s centenary celebration

           in Kidbrooke, Onrus.             Young Welchman, who lives in the UK,   of air power/military aviation as well

            Welchman, who was born and raised   described her father as a wonderful   as the 75th birthday celebration of the

           in Johannesburg, joined the SAAF in   storyteller who had enthusiasm for life   association.

           1940. He was a second-year medical   and interest in people and the world   “It is unfortunate that we will not be
           student at Wits University when World   around him.               able to celebrate this very special day
           War II broke out.                 “It’s also what made him an amaz-  with Michael and Betty in traditional

            He obtained his wings a year later,   ing artist. His career might have been   ‘party mode’ due to Covid-19. May every

           flying Hurricanes and Tomahawks after   medical, but he almost had a second   minute of your 100th birthday be filled

           qualifying as an SAAF pilot.     career in retirement and his paintings   with everlasting joy and pleasure. You

            He was demobilised and sent back to   are now in homes around the country   are a very special air force veteran who
           university but he persuaded the SAAF   and the world.             will always be thought of in the warmest
           command to be re-enlisted.        “My parents have been married for   way,” Visser said. Q
                                                  World Airnews | October 2020
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