Page 42 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 42


                                 TURKISH AIRLINES SIGNS

                                 TECHNOLOGY DEAL

                                         delivering its offers consistently to all

            ollowing a recent expansion of   The airline was already using the Ama-

      Fits fl eet, Turkish Airlines is now   deus Flex Pricer solution and it has now
       fuelling its vision with new technology.   signed for the entire Shopping portfolio

         The airline has signed an IT deal with   in the Amadeus Offer Suite.
       Amadeus that will help it deliver per-  The suite will equip Turkish Airlines
       sonalized offers to travellers across all   to be able to integrate content via NDC

       platforms and devices.            into the airline’s existing infrastructure,

         The Turkish flag carrier is aiming to ex-  catapulting it to distribute content via
       pand its customer reach with a series of   NDC in the near future.

       new shopping solutions from Amadeus’   The deal comes at a time when Turkey’s

       Offer Suite. These flexible and mod-  national flag carrier – currently operating

       ular solutions will allow the airline to   with 360 aircraft, and flying to the most

       connect with new market channels and   destinations in the world, over 320 across

       develop a future-proof retail strategy.  126 countries – continues to expand its

         Most significantly, Turkish Airlines   operations. From 2017 to 2019, the airline

       will be the first airline to adopt Massive   increased its passenger numbers from

       Search, a solution which will help it   69 million to 75 million and it expects to
       deliver the most relevant and bookable   reach 120 million by 2023.

       fares to travellers.               “These are exciting times at Turkish.

         Massive search capabilities are be-  Now, as the sector eyes recovery, we

       coming more and more critical for the   will push the bar when it comes to

       entire travel industry as digital infra-  searching and shopping for our fares,
       structure must swiftly deliver results   delivering the content our travellers

       in the face of rising look to book ratios,   want in a quick and consistent way, no

       which have grown from 10:1 to 1000:1   matter the channel,” said Ali Serdar   Africa, Amadeus says: “This partnership with Turk-
       over the last two decades.        Yakut, CIO, Turkish Airlines.   ish Airlines is a testament to our simple, agile and

         Whether customers are searching for   Ali Serdar Yakut continued, “Istanbul is  open approach that allows our partners to easily

       flights on Turkish Airline’s own channels,   at the crossroads between Europe and   integrate our technology within their own IT eco-
       through a metasearch, online travel   Asia, and our new hub inaugurated last   system. We look forward to further continue our

       agency, or an online ad, Amadeus’ tech-  year gives us more capacity to connect   work with the airline in the field of merchandising

       nology will ensure that travellers get a   to new destinations. The new facility   as we support the airline’s ambitions to deliver a
       consistent, accurate and fast response.   will serve 200 million passengers annu-  world-class experience to its travellers.

         This standalone IT agreement follows   ally, unlocking momentous opportunity   “We are particularly proud to be part of Turkish

       an extended distribution agreement   for growth. Amadeus’ trusted technolo-  Airline’s expansion at a time when Istanbul is

       signed with Amadeus last year. Amade-  gy and solid on-the-ground support will   reinforcing its position as a major global aviation

       us’ global network of travel sellers con-  help us reach our ambitions.”  hub with the addition of new capacity and its

       tinue to support the airline’s expansion   Maher Koubaa, Executive Vice Pres-  third independent runway just completed a few
       plans, extending its reach efficiently and   ident, Airlines, Middle East, Turkey &   months ago.” Q


                  Recently while flying between Istanbul
                   and Bamako in Mail, this Boeing 737-
                900ER was forced to make an emergency

                   landing after the waters of an eighth-
                 month pregnant woman broke while en
                  route on the six and an half hour flight.

                 The woman gave birth at the Mater Dei
                  hospital later that same evening. There
                 were two doctors on board who assisted

                   the woman. Malta Air Traffic Services

                  personnel did a terrific job, to bring the
                aircraft in to land in the shortest possible

                    time.  Photographer: Mario Caruana

                                                  World Airnews | October 2020
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