Page 41 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 41
THE TIME TO reported severe difficulties in maintaining moment. If borders remain closed, travel remain secure from tampering and theft.
The WHO, UNICEF and Gavi have already
Processes are in place to keep cargo
curtailed, fleets grounded and employees
their planned vaccine programs during the furloughed, the capacity to deliver life-sav- shipments secure, but the potential volume
of vaccine shipments will need early
PREPARE IS NOW COVID-19 crisis due, in part, to limited air ing vaccines will be very much compro- planning to ensure that they are scalable.
mised,” said de Juniac.
“The whole world is eagerly awaiting a PREPARDENESS Border Processes: Working effectively
safe COVID vaccine. It is incumbent on all with health and customs authorities
of us to make sure that all countries have Facilities: Vaccines must be handled and will, therefore, be essential to ensure
safe, fast and equitable access to the initial transported in line with international timely regulatory approvals, adequate
doses when they are available. As the lead regulatory requirements, at controlled security measures, appropriate handling
agency for the procurement and supply of temperatures and without delay to ensure and customs clearance. This could be a
the COVID vaccine on behalf of the COVAX the quality of the product. While there are particular challenge given that, as part
Facility, UNICEF will be leading what could still many unknowns (number of doses, of COVID-19 prevention measures, many
possibly be the world’s largest and fastest temperature sensitivities, manufacturing governments have put in place measures
operation ever. The role of airlines and locations, etc.), it is clear that the scale that increase processing times. Priorities
international transport companies will be of activity will be vast, that cold chain for border processes include:
critical to this endeavour,” said Henrietta facilities will be required and that delivery • Introducing fast-track procedures for
Fore, UNICEF executive director. to every corner of the planet will be over flight and landing permits for op-
The potential size of the delivery is needed. Priorities for preparing facilities for erations carrying the COVID-19 vaccine
enormous. Just providing a single dose to this distribution include: • Exempting flight crew members from
7.8 billion people would fill 8,000 747 cargo • Availability of temperature-controlled quarantine requirements to ensure
aircraft. Land transport will help, especially facilities and equipment - maximizing cargo supply chains are maintained
in developed economies with local manu- the use or re-purposing of existing • Supporting temporary traffic rights
facturing capacity. But vaccines cannot be infrastructure and minimizing tempo- for operations carrying the COVID-19
delivered globally without the significant rary builds vaccines where restrictions may apply
use air cargo. • Availability of staff trained to han- • Removing operating hour curfews for
“Even if we assume that half the needed dle time- and temperature-sensitive flights carrying the vaccine to facili-
vaccines can be transported by land, the vaccines tate the most flexible global network
air cargo industry will still face its largest • Robust monitoring capabilities to operations
single transport challenge ever. In planning ensure the integrity of the vaccines is • Granting priority on arrival of those
their vaccine programmes, particularly in maintained vital shipments to prevent possible
the developing world, governments must Security: Vaccines will be highly valuable temperature excursions due to delays
take very careful consideration of the limit- commodities. Arrangements must be • Considering tariff relief to facilitate the
ed air cargo capacity that is available at the in place to keep ensure that shipments movement of the vaccine. Q
COVID-19 vaccine,” said Dr Seth Berkley, The potential size of the delivery is AIRLINES
CEO of Gavi the Vaccine Alliance. enormous. Just providing a single dose to
he International Air Transport On top of the transport preparations 7.8 billion people would fill 8,000 747 cargo
TAssociati on (IATA) has urged and co-ordination needed, governments aircraft. Land transport will help, especially
in developed economies with local manu-
governments to begin careful planning must also consider the current diminished facturing capacity. But vaccines cannot be EMIRATES REFUND CUSTOMERS
cargo capacity of the global air transport
with industry stakeholders to ensure full industry. delivered globally without the significant
preparedness when vaccines for COVID-19 IATA warned that, with the severe use air cargo.
are approved and available for distribution. downturn in passenger traffic, airlines have “Even if we assume that half the needed flights through travel agents this includes The airline has introduced a series of
The association also warned of potential- downsized networks and put many aircraft vaccines can be transported by land, the enabling direct refunds processing via industry-leading initiatives to provide
ly severe capacity constraints in transport- into remote long-term storage. The global air cargo industry will still face its largest mirates has returned over AED global booking systems (GDS). customers with additional reassurance
ing vaccines by air. route network has been reduced dramati- single transport challenge ever. In planning E5 billion or (US) $ 1.4 billion in Sir Tim Clark, president Emirates air- and confidence when they travel – from
“Safely delivering COVID-19 vaccines will cally from the pre-COVID 24,000 city pairs. their vaccine programmes, particularly in COVID-19 related travel refunds to date, line said, “We understand that from our bio-safety measures at every step of
be the mission of the century for the global The WHO, UNICEF and Gavi have already the developing world, governments must making progress on its commitment to customers’ standpoint, each pending their journey, to free COVID-19 medical
air cargo industry. But it won’t happen reported severe difficulties in maintaining take very careful consideration of the limit- customers to complete pending refunds. refund request is one too many. We cover and flexible booking policies.
without careful advance planning. And the their planned vaccine programmes during ed air cargo capacity that is available at the More than 1.4 million refunds are committed to honouring refunds Emirates offers flights to over 80 cities
time for that is now. We urge governments the COVID-19 crisis due, in part, to limited moment. If borders remain closed, travel requests have been completed since and are trying our utmost to clear the at present and customers can stop over
to take the lead in facilitating coopera- air connectivity. curtailed, fleets grounded and employees March, representing 90% of the air- massive and unprecedented backlog or travel to Dubai as the city has re-
tion across the logistics chain so that the “The whole world is eagerly awaiting a furloughed, the capacity to deliver life-sav- line’s backlog. This includes all requests that was caused by the pandemic. Most opened for international business and
facilities, security arrangements and border safe COVID vaccine. It is incumbent on all ing vaccines will be very much compro- received from customers around the cases are straightforward, and these leisure visitors.
processes are ready for the mammoth and of us to make sure that all countries have mised,” said de Juniac. world up until the end of June, save we will process quickly. But there are CoVid-19 tests are mandatory for all
complex task ahead,” said IATA director safe, fast and equitable access to the initial On top of the transport preparations and for a few cases which require further cases which will take a bit more time inbound and transit passengers arriving
general and CEO Alexandre de Juniac. doses when they are available. As the lead co-ordination needed, governments must manual review. for our customer teams to manually to Dubai (and the UAE), including UAE cit-
“Delivering billions of doses of vaccine agency for the procurement and supply of also consider the current diminished cargo review and complete. We are grateful izens, residents and tourists, irrespective
Since the pandemic hit, Emirates has
to the entire world efficiently will involve the COVID vaccine on behalf of the COVAX capacity of the global air transport industry. invested additional resources to ramp to our customers for their patience and of the country they are coming from.
hugely complex logistical and programmat- Facility, UNICEF will be leading what could IATA warned that, with the severe up its processing capability. understanding.” For more information on these
ic obstacles all the way along the supply possibly be the world’s largest and fastest downturn in passenger traffic, airlines have As global travel markets slowly re- measures and the services available on
chain. We look forward to working together operation ever. The role of airlines and downsized networks and put many aircraft The airline also continues to work with open, Emirates has gradually restarted its each flight visit:
with government, vaccine manufacturers international transport companies will be into remote long-term storage. The global industry partners to facilitate refunds for passenger operations around the world. yoursafety. Q
and logistical partners to ensure an effi- critical to this endeavour,” said Henrietta route network has been reduced dramati- those who have booked their Emirates
cient global roll-out of a safe and affordable Fore, UNICEF executive director. cally from the pre-COVID 24,000 city pairs.
World Airnews | October 2020 World Airnews | October 2020
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