Page 71 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 71


                                         CORAIL HELICOPTERES ON THE

                                                                                     FRONT LINE

                                            But once the pilot door had been removed,   been helped by the weather conditions
                                            equipped with its hook and a sling, it   in the southern winter, with moderate
         After the Japanese bulk carrier    instantly became a high-performance aerial   temperatures and winds.
         Wakashio ran aground on a reef in   work platform with Jeremy at the controls.  In a second phase, the removal of
         Mauritius. Very quickly, Corail Helicopteres   “The first days of work were intense,”   pollutants still present on the ship was
         mobilised an Airbus Helicopters H130 to   he said. “I started by transporting a large   carried out with IBC tanks, which can carry
         fight the threat of pollution.     amount of equipment to the wrecked ship -   several hundred litres of pollutants. The
           “We officially started the operation on   pumps and generators - so that the salvage   H130 transported them to the ship on the
         Saturday, 2 August,” said Jeremy Heuls, the   team could get to work. The heaviest load   sling four at a time, then brought them
         chief pilot of Corail Helicopters Mauritius.   weighed in at almost 1.2 tonnes. We also   back full one by one to the shore.
         “We had an H130 available, and help for   delivered our ‘task specialists’ on board,   “We transported a total of 98 in one
         three days from our AS355NP from Reunion   either using the boat’s helipad, or doing   day,” said Jeremy. By mid-September, after
         Island. The Ecureuil then returned to its   skid touches when the ship was listing too   more than 30 days of operations, he had
         base and the H130 now remains the only   much. Our mechanics and our two other   exceeded 90 hours of flight time on the job.
         aerial work helicopter being used at the site   pilots received special training for the work   With his H130, he had transported
         of the shipwreck.”                 on the different ships and work sites on   more than 100 tonnes of equipment and
           In the first days after the accident, the   shore. They did a great job and without   participated in removing at least 50 tonnes
         H130 transported equipment - pumps   them, it would have been a different   of crude oil. An exceptional achievement
         and generators - to the wrecked ship, the   mission…”                 for the first-ever sling operation in
         heaviest of which weight almost 1.2 tonnes.  The proximity of the vessel to the shore   Mauritius.
           The aircraft was stationed in Mauritius   has been a positive factor, as turnarounds   Corail Hélicoptères has a main base on
         for passenger transport and tourist flights.   times have been fast. Operations have also   Reunion Island. Q


                                         EXPECT MORE: SPIDERTRACKS

                                     The future of insights and connectivity for General Aviation has

                                                               Building on its predecessors, Spider X provides more capability
                                                              and insights with the introduction of AHRS data - enabling you to
         It’s often hard to believe that aircraft tracking was once only   not only know where your aircraft is, but also how it’s being flown.
          attainable for the top tier of aviation.             It makes flight data available to all operators as a simple to
           Less than a decade ago, innovations in the sector typically   install, plug-in-play, lightweight solution. Mission-critical data such
          involved heavy boxes and expensive installations - the cost and   as location, speed, altitude, and direction is sent and received
                                                              via a dedicated Iridium® satellite channel, with the assurance it
          complexity of these impeding mainstream adoption.   is delivered on-time, every time, without exception. There’s no
           Spidertracks came to market with fresh thinking and a simple   requirement of retrieving an SD card off an aircraft, plugging in
          product philosophy that broke down these barriers and revolution-  cables, or removing any hardware — it all happens automatically.
          ised aircraft tracking.                              Spider X was designed and developed in-house by the team
           Today, tracking has industry-wide adoption - the benefits of in-  based in New Zealand. It’s packed with forward-thinking technol-
          creased safety and operational efficiencies have seen Spidertracks   ogy such as cellular, Bluetooth, USB-C, and serial port interface
          become the gold standard.                           capability, to provide an ideal platform for future development and
           The same barriers that existed for flight tracking in the GA sector,   third-party integration.
          still exist today for flight data monitoring. Installation and complex-  “We’re carving out a unique opportunity for a digital transfor-
          ity of hardware into the aircraft came at a significant cost; not just   mation within a traditionally analogue industry, by redefining the
          the purchase price for the installation; not just time; but also, the   way data is accessed and received from an aircraft, delivering more
          complexity of accessing that data and getting it off the aircraft.  usable insights and helping solve problems the industry faces,”
           Recent technological advancements have made data and   notes Dave Blackwell, CEO of Spidertracks,
          information much more accessible - which means insights into   “The biggest opportunity we have is to make it a practical
          aircraft activity now has the potential to be more than just a dot on   reality. We are very excited about the next chapter in the journey.”
          the map.                                             The Spidertracks evolution began with locating a downed aircraft
           Spidertracks’ latest revolutionary device makes that potential   but now seeks to prevent an accident from occurring through the
          a reality. Spider X, announced at Heli-Expo 2020 in Anaheim,   use of Internet of Things, machine learning, computer vision and
          California, brings richer, more insightful data to the GA market and   some secret-sauce, making the aviation community a safer place to
          is changing the face of aviation safety as we know it.   live and operate in. Q

                                                  World Airnews | October Extra 2020
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