Page 28 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 28
By Lindsay Bjerregaard
he Praetor 500 midsize business jet and contact Pratt & Whitney service centre, designated overhaul
Twas granted its type certi fi cate by shops and parts distribution centres. The result, said Lewis, is
Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority and award- ratt and Whitney has launched a new app that aims to truly customised, curated content that users can filter so they only
ed during a ceremony at LABACE or the Pprovide PT6 engine customers with a customised digital receive the most relevant items.
Latin American Business Aviation Confer- resource for maintenance recommendations, service resources “We think we’ve put together a set of features that will be com-
ence and Exhibition held recently. and content. pelling for people to download the app, use it and gain something
from it, but we don’t pretend to know everything,” he said. “This
The Praetor 500 surpassed its certifi- The company is hoping to help general aviation operators better is our first attempt at an app like this, so we really are looking for
cation goals achieving an intercontinental understand their aircraft’s engine while filling the gap between feedback from the user community so that we can make it better.”
range of 3,340 nautical miles (6,186 km pilots and the maintainer community on the engine type. The app features a feedback mechanism, which Pratt & Whitney
- NBAA IFR reserves with four passengers), “We were thinking about how we can connect with the 10,000 or will look to for ideas about future changes and functionality along
a high-speed cruise of 466 KTAS, a full-fuel so people that fly the PT6 and the thousands of others who work with a “long running list” of suggestions that came from beta test-
payload of 1,600 lb (726 kg), a takeoff with it and interact with it,” explained John Lewis, director of PT6A
distance of only 4,222 ft (1,287 m) and an Left to right Daniel Moczydlower, Embraer executive vice president engineering customer support, Pratt & Whitney Canada. ing.
unfactored landing distance of 2,086 ft (636 and technology, Michael Amalfitano, president and CEO, Embraer executive jets, To create a direct line of communication with customers, Lewis Although the app differs from Pratt & Whitney’s EngineWise
m). For a 1,000-nautical-mile mission, the Francisco Gomes Neto, Embraer SA president and CEO, and Ricardo Bezerra, ANAC’s said the company decided to break existing engine information product within the commercial engines market, Lewis said the
takeoff distance is a mere 2,842 ft (867 m). general director, during ANAC's Praetor 500 certification event at Labace 2019 down into “bite sized chunks” that would be searchable, person- company’s groups are always looking to learn from each other and
The Praetor 500 outperforms its class, alised and easy to absorb. that connecting Know My PT6 to engine data for maintenance and
becoming the best midsize jet ever de- “With the highest performance, tech- to New York or São Paulo to Paris, with Users of the Know My PT6 app can enter the types of aircraft monitoring isn’t out of the question down the line.
veloped and the only jet in its class with nology and comfort in its class, the Praetor a single stop, the Praetor 500 has the they work with and the app will populate with customized content “What we wanted to start with was something that doesn’t
Ka-band internet connectivity. With the 500 becomes the best midsize business jet superior performance to access challeng- relevant to the applicable engine types, including notifications require a login or [where] you maintain some kind of account,” he
best cabin altitude, the Praetor 500 is the ever made, raising the customer experi- ing airports, such as Angra dos Reis and about service bulletins, a newsfeed with how-to articles related to says. “This really is just to try to connect to the community without
only midsize jet with full fly-by-wire, which ence standards of its class. We are thrilled Jacarepaguá, in Brazil. engine maintenance and a mapping feature to help users locate putting barriers in the way.” Q
complements the superior cabin experi- to announce that we already have orders The Embraer DNA Design interior fea- Article courtesy:
ence of the Embraer DNA interior design for the Praetor 500, including in Brazil.” tures a six-foot-tall, flat-floor cabin, stone
with turbulence reduction for the smooth- The Praetor 500 is now the farthest- and flooring and a vacuum service lavatory, all
est and most efficient flight possible. fastest-flying midsize jet, able to make true in the same certified aircraft. The class-ex-
“The certification of the Praetor 500 is a corner-to-corner nonstop flights in North clusive Turbulence Reduction technology
welcome achievement for the celebration America, from Miami to Seattle, or Los and 5,800-foot cabin altitude, comple-
of our golden jubilee. This revolutionary Angeles to New York. mented by a whisper silent cabin, have set It’s About
aircraft is a testament to the commitment of The Praetor 500 also connects the west the highest standards in customer experi-
our teams to excellence and a foretaste of coast of North America to Europe and ence in the midsize category. In addition to
the pioneering that Embraer will accomplish to South America, from Los Angeles to the full-service galley and a wardrobe, six
throughout the next 50 years,” said Michael London or to São Paulo, with single-stop fully reclining club seats, four of which may Your Business
Amalfitano, president and CEO, Embraer performance. In addition to connecting be berthed into two beds, and the baggage
Executive Jets. the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre space is the largest in the class. Q
operations centre of the space command Earth observation satellites. Parly an- 119
look sets to open in 2024 in Toulouse, nounced €700 million more will come Challenging times require superior answers.
rance now has a space defence where it is expected to benefit from local over the period. They will be used, Leonardo Helicopters redefines mobility by setting new levels in luxury,
synergies with the space industry.
Fstrategy and it includes develop- among other expenditures, to create comfort, performance and safety.
“Space is a new front,” Parly said and
ing patrol satellites and space-based added that she wanted to see nano demonstrators. “Full capacity” of the
directed energy weapons, Florence satellites patrolling in orbit as soon space command is expected in 2030. Maximise your time and be where it counts.
Parly, French minister of armed forces, as 2023. These will be used to detect The Syracuse 4A and Syracuse 4B commu- Inspired by the vision, curiosity and creativity of the great master inventor -
said at the country’s air defence and air threats against France’s assets in space nications satellites are due to be launched Leonardo is designing the technology of tomorrow.
operations command recently. and will carry high-power lasers. in the early 2020s and will have surveillance
The space command, with 220 person- The country’s military programming cameras to monitor the environment. Q
nel, is to be part of the French air force law for 2019-25 has included €3.6 Article courtesy: https://aviationweek.
and to become known as the air and space billion (US) $4 billion) for the renewal com/space/french-government-
force or armee de l’Air et de l’Espace. The of satellites, such as launching the CSO unveils-space-defense-strategy Helicopters | Aeronautics | Electronics, Defence & Security Systems | Space
World Airnews | September 2019 MNT-19-0067 World Air News AW119Kx VIP.indd 1 World Airnews | September 2019 18/07/2019 12:14:41
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