Page 31 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 31

C W Price & Co
         C W Price & Co
         C W Price & Co
         C W Price & Co
         C W Price & Co
         C W Price & Co                                                                                                 SA Flyer 2015|07


 Proven leader with 30 years of Boeing experience to
 lead global communications organisation
         Aircraft Headsets
         For over 50 years, Peltor has led development in protection and
         communication for anyone who spends time in noisy environ-
         ments. All headsets in the Aviation 8000 series have ambient noise

 nne Toulouse will take up the position of senior vice
 Apresident of communicati ons, leading the company's   compensated differential microphones. The earphones have a

 global communications and brand activities.    broad frequency range for good sound reduction in Fixed Wing
 Toulouse, 60, has served as interim senior vice president of Com-  Aircraft and Helicopters.

 munications since September 2018. Effective immediately, she con-

 tinues in the role on a permanent basis, leading the organisation

 responsible for media relations, brand development and manage-  Ground Power Unit

 ment, digital, advertising, in-house creative services and executive   You can depend on Hobart for full support of your aircraft’s power

 and employee communications.   requirements AC or DC. Hobart has earned the reputation of being

 Toulouse will continue reporting to Boeing chairman, president   the “standard” in the industry, trusted for the superior power quality
 and CEO Dennis Muilenburg and serve on the company's executive

 council.  and excellent durability.

 "Anne has worked tirelessly over the course of her 30-year Boe-
 ing career to strengthen the company brand and share our story   The Red Box RB Series
 with key stakeholders," said Muilenburg. "A proven leader with a   These man-portable GPU’s use the latest in dry lead acid military
 unique combination of creativity, passion, business acumen, One

 Boeing strength, and a customer-focused mindset, Anne has the   / aviation technology which offers many valuable features. Very
 right skills, experiences, values and strategic thinking to lead our   rugged, they can be operated, stored or transported in any orienta-

 world-class communications organization."    tion, even inverted. Safely transported in aircraft, land or sea, they
 Prior to her current assignment, Toulouse led Boeing's global
 brand-building programs designed to help position the company   produce massive power for comparatively low weight and small

 for growth in its second century. Responsibilities included the com-  size. They hold their charge for long periods when on standby or in

 pany's brand strategy, global advertising, sponsorships, the Boeing   storage.

 Store, the in-house creative team, historical archives and corporate

 identity. Toulouse has also held a number of other Boeing positions

 including vice president of Employee Communications, Business   Eagle Tow Tug

 Operations and Corporate Identity and Advertising.   Nothing moves you like an Eagle tug. Designed and built to meet

 Toulouse joined Boeing in 1989 as a media relations manager in   and is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago. She is also the

 Huntington Beach, Calif., at what was then McDonnell Douglas. She   executive sponsor and ally of the Chicago Boeing Employees Pride   the varying demands of regional airlines, corporate fl ight depart-

 holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University   Alliance. Q  ments and military fl ight ops. The Eagle TT series All-Wheel Drive
         aircraft tractors pack a lot of power in a small package. The ad-
 NEW CIRRUS CEO   vantage of All Wheel Drive provides safe controlled traction on all
 NEWS    surface conditions.
 By Thomas B Haines

 aviation. He is the former vice president of   pilot community.
 global sales operations at electric vehicle

 manufacturer Tesla and spent more than   “Every day what we do is to try to create

 he first observation about learning   16 years at Bang & Olufsen, including more   pilots. If we have the best product, they will

 Tto fl y from Zean Nielsen, the new   than six years as president of the Dutch   fly with us.”

 CEO of Cirrus Aircraft was “The cockpit has   electronics company.   The Cirrus Lifestyle campaign has shown
 to be easier.”  Most recently, he was executive vice   how learning to fly can change peoples’

 Just a few weeks into his new role,   president of sales for James Hardie building   lives.

 Nielsen (whose first name is pronounced   products in Chicago.   Nielsen, 41, expressed pride in the Cirrus
 like “Shawn”) said numerous things about   As the new CEO of the prolific producer   team and especially its winning the Collier

 modern airplanes still perplex him.   of piston-powered airplanes - and the SF50   Trophy last year for the Vision Jet. “We’re

 “You have to move that fuel selector   Vision Jet - he quickly learned that volume   capable of doing anything, just not all at
 from one tank to another? Why doesn’t   in general aviation is on an entirely differ-  once. We need focus,” he observed. He

 that just happen?” he wondered. And   ent scale from electronics or automotive   said his job is to lay out a plan for reaching

 setting up the radios before a flight,   manufacturing.   new markets.

 making those calls. “Why is that not a text   Cirrus delivered 443 aircraft in 2018. Tes-  Nielsen replaces Cirrus CEO and co-found-

 message?”  la delivered 350,000 cars that year - barely   er Dale Klapmeier, who announced in

 Given his background, it’s no wonder   enough to be profitable in some quarters.  December 2018 his intent to transition from    C W Price and Co

 that he focuses on the technology side of   “We need more people,” he said of the   CEO to company adviser. Q  Tel: (011) 8054720
                                                                                                  Fax: (011) 3156275
 World Airnews | September 2019                   World Airnews | September 2019
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