Page 26 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 26

HELICOPTERS                                                                                                              HELICOPTERS

                                                                                                                                  Tap Execute and the helicopter take off   computer finds the right combination of   But it was simple enough for me, and its
                                                                                                                                and goes to work. Along the way, inertial   controls to deliver what they want. The   broad capability made the entire flight

                                                                                                                                guidance systems and GPS keep it on track,   result is a control system that’s as intuitive   thoroughly uneventful, right down to
                                                                                                                                while external sensors, including LIDAR   as any videogame.            the easy, bounce-free touchdown, Wired

                                                                                                                                (Light Detection and Ranging) and cameras,   I flew us to different positions above the   online reported.

                                                                                                                                watch for obstacles and potential landing   tarmac at Sikorsky’s headquarters, swing-  That sort of effortless-seeming flight

                                                                                                                                sites should something go wrong.    ing around easily and using a combination   is, of course, precisely what you’d want

                                                                                                                                  To take over, the pilot simply starts   of visuals and the map to position myself.   from a robot or noob pilot, especially if

                                                                                                                                working the controls and the autonomous   If I keep my pace below five knots, the   and when future air taxis start shuttling us
                                                                                                                                system gives way. When he lets go again,   computer stops and hovers when I release   around the skies.

                                                                                                                                the computer retakes control. It’s a two-  the controls.                 “We’re demonstrating a certifiable au-
                                                                                                                                way backup: The helicopter is always ready    To take over, the Sikorsky S-76B, the pilot   tonomy solution that is going to drastically

                                                                                                                                to take over from the pilot, just as the pilot   simply starts working the controls and the   change the way pilots fly,” Mark Ward,

                                                                                                                                is always able to take over from the com-  autonomous system gives way. When he   chief pilot at Sikorsky’s Stratford, Conn.

                                                                                                                                puter, Wired online reported.       lets go again, the computer retakes control.   Flight Test Centre told Flight Global.
                                                                                                                                  Along with the tablet, the SARA comes   Credit: The Drive.             “We’re confident that MATRIX Tech-

                                                                                                                                with two “inceptors” on either side of   If I go faster, it maintains my heading   nology will allow pilots to focus on their
                                                                                                                                my seat. These hand controls let the pilot   and speed. The helicopter did everything   missions. This technology will ultimately

                                                                                                                                interrupt the flight plan to change the   smoothly and predictably even when   decrease instances of the number one

                                                                                                                                helicopter’s direction or position, or just   flying via the inceptors, regardless of how   cause of helicopter crashes: controlled

                                                                                                                                fly around.                         unsteady my hand may have been.    flight into terrain.”

                                                                                                                                  The left control manages the throttle   Mostly, though, I used the tablet to com-  The Army and DARPA are working with

                                                                                                                                and yaw. The right is a joystick that allows   mand the whirlybird. The current interface   Sikorsky to improve the autonomous MA-
                                                                                                                                for horizontal control, pitching forward,   is aimed at pro pilots, with the commensu-  TRIX system, aiming to eventually turn it into
                                                                                                                                backward, left, or right. Even these, though,   rate degree of detail and data.  a tailorable autonomy kit to be installed in

                                                                                                                                are far simpler than a helicopter’s four   The design is evolving, says Igor   fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.

                                                                                                                                standard controls: the cyclic, throttle, col-  Cherepinsky, director of Sikorsky’s au-  The manufacturer plans to add its au-
                                                                                                                                lective, and pedals.                tonomy program. Eventually, it will take   tonomous technology into a UH-60 Black

                                                                                                                                  When the pilot uses the inceptors, the   on a form that non-pilots can readily use.   Hawk. Q
                                  SIKORSKY PRESENTS A                                                                                    MAINTENANCE
                                  TOUCH-AND-GO COPTER                                                                                            MTU MAINTENANCE SIGNS
                                                                                        By Dave Makichuk                                              EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT
                                             This, of course, is no ordinary helicopter.   acquired in 2015, recently announced it’s
                                           It’s the test bed for Sikorsky’s Matrix Tech-  formally entering the urban mobility race,                                                  our exceptional and intelligent solutions as their CFM56-

               s helicopter flights go, this one   nology, a suite of systems to boost helicop-  using the Matrix system, electric propul-                                            7B engines enter the mature stage of their lifecycle. We
       Awas especially boring.             ter safety by reducing pilot workload to the   sion tech, and its data systems. Already,           TU Maintenance and Malaysia Airlines Berhad   look forward to proactively managing Malaysia Airlines’
         We took off, hovered for a bit, and   point where the crew can focus on what   Sikorsky says that the Matrix tech is essen-  Mhave signed an exclusive 10-year contract for the   fleet, maximizing engine usage and reducing cost for our

        manoeuvred around the airport. We flew   they need to do rather than how to do it,   tially ready to start piloting flying cars —   airlines more than 100 CFM56-7B engines recently.   partner.”

        to a spot about 10 miles away, did some   Eric Adams of Wired online reported.  even if those flying cars don’t exactly exist                                                  The service offering incorporates MTU Maintenance’s

        turns and gentle banks, then came back   The mission, not the mechanics. Its   just yet.                                      The contract covers maintenance, repair and overhaul for   PERFORMPlus solution for newer engines, ensuring longer

        and landed.                        maker calls it SARA, for Sikorsky Autonomy   My flight lent that claim some credence.    the engine fleet until phase-out and includes lease engines   on-wing times through optimized fleet management, engine

                                                                                                                                    and LLP management.

         I’ve been on more exciting Ferris wheels,   Research Aircraft. And ultimately, it could   The tablet on my knee showed a moving                                              trend monitoring, on-site services and lease support.

        with views more inspiring than those   do a lot more than make flying a helicopter   map (with real images, Google Satellite   Malaysia Airlines is the national carrier of Malaysia and   Further, it also draws on numerous elements of the compa-

        of rural Connecticut. Still, the flight was   safer and easier.        view-style) and a few command options.               transports 40,000 guests on more than 300 flights daily to 59   ny’s SAVEPlus solution for more mature engines, using smart

                                                                                                                                    destinations around the world.
        impressive for at least one reason: The pilot   While the future of autonomous, urban   You can load in a preset mission or just                                              strategies to minimize cost at end of life. MTU Maintenance
        controlling the 12,000-pound Sikorsky S-76   air taxis has drawn new players and bold   point to a spot on the map and enter your   “We are delighted to be partnering with MTU Mainte-  Zhuhai will be carrying out these services on behalf of Malay-

        had never before operated a helicopter.   plans into the aviation space, Sikorsky has   speed and altitude preferences.     nance,” said Izham Ismail, goup chief executive officer of   sia Airlines.

        That would be me.                  been quietly developing its own solution,    When the pilot uses the inceptors, the      Malaysia Airlines.                                 MTU Maintenance is the global leader in customised

         Fortunately, I’m not responsible for   putting itself at the head of the helicopter   computer finds the right combination of    “We are confident that MTU will provide the flexible, reli-  solutions for aero engines. The company is the number

        keeping anybody alive. The blue and white   autonomy space, Wired online reported.  controls to deliver what they want. The   able service needed to keep our B737-800 fleet safely flying   one independent service provider for the CFM56-fam-

        commercial chopper did all the work, from   In the next year or so, it will include   result is a Sikorsky S-76B, control system   as well as an optimized cost per flight hour that supports our   ily and is seeing strong and increasing demand for its

        takeoff to touchdown. It navigated and ex-  Matrix features in the Black Hawks it builds   that’s as intuitive as any video game. Cred-  bottom line.”                        services.

        ecuted those turns and banks, all the while   for the US Army. Applications like oil rig   it: The Drive.                     “This is the largest CFM56-7B contract signed by MTU Main-  In 2018 alone, over one third of all contract wins were for
        scanning its surroundings for trees, power   transport and search-and-rescue mis-  The computer - tucked into a corner be-  tenance to date,” said Michael Schreyögg, chief programme   CFM56 engines. The network operates a tri-location policy

        lines, birds, and other aircraft. I merely   sions will follow. And yes, this tech could   hind the pilot’s seat and surrounded by way   officer, MTU Aero Engines.           for the CFM56 engine family - serving engines in Hannover,

        played conductor, occasionally tapping the   someday enable those flying cars we keep   more test and evaluation hardware than    “MTU is proud to be supporting Malaysia Airlines with   Vancouver and Zhuhai. Q

        tablet strapped to my right knee to direct it   hearing about.         it actually takes to fly the chopper - then

        here or there.                       The company, which Lockheed Martin   calculates the best route.
                                                  World Airnews | January  2020                                                                                           World Airnews | January  2020
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