Page 81 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 81


                                   HOW ONE BORING SUMMER

                                   TURNED INTO FLYING CELL

                                   PHONE TOWERS FOR AFRICA

                                                                                          By Andrew Wight

                                            coverage, use about as much energy as a   drones was providing high-bandwidth
                                            microwave oven and be connected up to   mobile internet coverage of a wind-surfing
         What did you do on your last       solar panels on the ground.        competition in France.
          long, boring summer? Minnesota-based   “We can cover 20-30 miles² with a drone   “We had winds of up to 40-50 knots,
          engineer and entrepreneur Rahul Tiwari   that size,” Tiwari said, “And they can stay in   which was too strong for the windsurfers,
          got bored - and two years later has a   the air for a month at a time thanks to their   but was no trouble at all for the drone,”
          company called Spooky Action with the   According to Tiwari, having a drone   Tiwari said.
          goal of providing drone-based cell phone   above your town or village isn’t the   Lightning, however, is still a problem - but
          towers, especially in the global south.  noise-pest you might assume - Drones scale   the drones can be hauled down in a hurry
           From June to August of 2017, Tiwari had   negatively, so as drones get bigger, they   if need be.
          a summer break from his studies at Purdue   produce less sound.        According to Tiwari, the portability
          University and came across a rather niche   “The laws of physics are on our side,” he   is another advantage of a drone over a
          problem: anti-poaching efforts in Africa   said.                     traditional tower.
          were being hampered by the fact that both   “A typical cell phone is 100-150 feet tall,   “Imagine a town that can be covered with
          human pilots and regular drones were   but we can get our drones up to 400 feet,   five drones,” he said.
          limited in how long they could be in the air.  so they don’t have to be right in the middle   “But if everyone goes to work, the drones
           According to Tiwari, the answer was a   of a town and the noise is less.”  can be redeployed closer to where the
          tethered drone - which could stay in the air    Even if this concept sounds like   people are and move back to the residen-
          for hours.                        science fiction, the proof is already in the   tial areas at night.”
           Just two months after sending an initial   pudding - in November, one of the TeleLift   “You can land and take off based on need
          inquiry email, Tiwari was in a                                                      - if there’s no demand,
          nature reserve in South Africa’s                                                    you can keep them on
          Eastern Cape region, testing out                                                    land,” he said.
          a new anti-poaching drone.                                                            Less than two
            “Instead of 20 to 30 minutes                                                      months ago, a special-
          of endurance, our drone could                                                       ly-designed DJI Agras
          stay up for six hours at a time,                                                    MG1-S drone was
          tethered to a vehicle,” said                                                        field-tested in Cheju,
          Rahul Tiwari, Spooky Action                                                         Tanzania, spraying an
           After that successful                                                              insecticide designed
          experience, he dropped out of                                                       to eradicate Malaria-
          Purdue and spent a year and a                                                       bearing mosquitoes.
          half in a basement lab figuring                                                       At the time, Bart
          out to turn his proof of concept                                                    Knols, a medical
          prototype into a fully-fledged                                                      entomologist and one
          product - that product is now                                                       of the co-founders
          the flying watchtower model                                                         ‘The anti-malaria
          called "SuperFly”                                                                   drone’ (AMD) project
           But without cell phone                                                             said the field trials
          coverage, it is hard to get data                                                    were the culmination
          to where it is needed in a timely                                                   of years of effort to use
          fashion. Before long, Tiwari’s                                                      drones to help fight
          start-up wanted to give drones                                                      malaria. Q
          a new place and task: hovering                                                        About Spooky
          almost permanently, providing                                                       Action: Spooky Action
          cell phone coverage.                                                                is a Minnesota-based
           Tiwari said in place of those      Spooky Action's TeleLift ‘flying cell phone tower’ drone   tech company that
          towers, drones the size of             flying on its tether during testing in Minnesota, USA  builds tethered drones
          dining tables can provide LTE                                                       that fly forever.

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