Page 85 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
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to assist customers based in and transi- materials inventory of nearly (US) $30
tioning through the area faster and more million.
Gulfstream Aerospace officially efficiently. Gulfstream’s MRO operations in Van
opened its second company-owned “This expansion ensures our new aircraft, Nuys and Long Beach are certified by
maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) the Gulfstream G500 and G600, and the the US Federal Aviation Administration.
rest of our growing fleet continue to have
facility in Southern California, one of the the best service and support in business Gulfstream Long Beach also has European
world’s busiest corridors for Gulfstream aviation. We’re grateful to our parent Union Aviation Safety Agency and Civil
business jets. company, General Dynamics, and to Los Aviation Administration of China mainte-
The new service centre at Van Nuys Angeles World Airports for their critical nance approvals, among others. Gulfstream
Airport has customer resources that support.” Van Nuys will add foreign maintenance
include sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and There are more than 130 Gulfstream approvals in the coming months.
sizeable ramp space. aircraft based at Van Nuys Airport, the Both Gulfstream Van Nuys and Long
Gulfstream Van Nuys also serves as most active business aviation airport in Beach offer SAF, which is produced at
the local operating base for Gulfstream California. a nearby refinery operated by World
FAST Field and Airborne Support Teams, More than 220 Gulfstream aircraft are Energy and blended with traditional
a rapid-response unit that specialises based in Southern California. petroleum-based Jet A fuel.
in troubleshooting grounded aircraft. The Gulfstream Van Nuys facility is “We continue to educate our customers
Complementing the Van Nuys operation approximately 66,000 square feet/6,132m², about SAF and promote its many benefits,”
is Gulfstream Long Beach, the compa- which includes approximately 43,000 sq Zimmerman said.
ny-owned service centre and completions ft/3,995m² of hangar space, enough to Gulfstream Van Nuys has many sustain-
facility approximately 45 miles away. accommodate four Gulfstream G650ER able features, including recycled building
“We are excited and proud to add or G650 aircraft. Adjacent to the facility materials, an energy-efficient thermoplas-
Gulfstream Van Nuys to our rapidly growing is a fixed-based operation run by sister tic polyolefin roof, water-saving fixtures
worldwide service centre network,” said company Jet Aviation that has a 10,000-sq- and landscaping, and enhanced control
Derek Zimmerman, president, Gulfstream ft/929m² terminal and 43,000-sq- systems for heating/cooling. The facility
customer support. ft/3,995m² hangar, which includes office will receive US Green Building Council
“Southern California, especially Los space. Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Angeles county, is a prime location Gulfstream Van Nuys has easy access to Design certification.
for Gulfstream business jets, and with Gulfstream’s west coast customer support Gulfstream Van Nuys is the company’s
maintenance facilities in both Van Nuys distribution centre, in place at Van Nuys third maintenance facility opening in the
and Long Beach, we have the resources Airport since 2014, which has a parts and past five months. Q.
Gulfstream Van Nuys is the company’s
third maintenance facility opening
in the past five months
World Airnews | January Extra 2020
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