Page 31 - World Airnews Magazine January 2021 Edition
P. 31
began my adventure in the Far East, based flying into Kai Tak on the B747, it was still as my career to fly a B747-400 aircraft to its
at Kai Tak airport. exhilarating. The thing about Kai Tak was final retirement resting place. We flew
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE OF FLYING that pilots of airliners were always extra from Hong Kong to Los Angeles and then
the next day to Pinal airport in Arizona.
cautious landing there, because of the
THE B747-400 AND THE B747-8? mountain on approach and the displaced The aircraft was a previously owned by
So, differences in flying characteristics runway threshold; it is fascinating that, due South African Airways as a passenger jet,
between the B747-400 and the B747-8? If I to the degree of difficulty it sometimes registered as ZS-SAV. Cathay Pacific pur-
go back to the original B747-100 that I first presented, there were not many aircraft chased it and converted it to a Freighter
flew; I'd say the B747-100 seemed perfectly incidents at the airport. or B747-400BCF in 2007, registered in
balanced in terms of thrust to weight ratio, WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE ROUTE IN Hong Kong as B-HUR. In 2017, it was
it really handled very well. THE CATHAY SYSTEM? finally retired and I flew it to Pinal Air Park,
The B747-400 is obviously bigger and has Marana, in Arizona. A second memorable
a modified wing, it is a lot more sensitive I flew the B747-400 passenger services for moment was in 2016, when I delivered
in lateral control but still a beauty to 11 years until they were discontinued in Cathay Pacific Airways last Boeing 747-8
fly. The B747- 8 is certainly smoother to 2016. My favourite route was always Hong from Boeing field in Seattle to Hong Kong.
Kong to San Francisco. Now I only fly the
control than the B747-400. Its only subtle Freighter version of the B747-400, and of It was iconic as her very first landing was
but experienced B747 pilots can certainly course the B747-8, and enjoy the regional in Hong Kong, on runway 25R, a proud
discern the slight differences. Truth be told, route to Singapore and Penang. Long Haul, I moment for me indeed.
they are all amazing aircraft to handle and enjoy trips to Miami and New York. ANY ADVICE OR WISE WORDS TO
I'm happy to fly any of them. FUTURE AVIATORS?
DID YOU DO ANY KAI TAK LANDINGS? ALL OVER AGAIN, WOULD YOU STILL My advice to future aviators is this: Fly
HOW WAS IT? CHOOSE TO BE A PILOT? aircraft with enthusiasm and review
As I mentioned before, I was based at Kai Ha! If I had to do all this again, I would do procedures at least once every day, even
Tak and flew into the airport on B707 and it the same without a second thought; why if it is only for 10 minutes. Remember
B747's. The Boeing 707 coming into Kai Tak would anyone want to do anything else also that the best aircraft in the world is
runway 13 was sometimes a challenge in a other than get airborne?! I would however always the aircraft that you happen to
strong crosswind. A pilot could not fly into like to have had the opportunity to fly to be currently flying; if you fly a Cessna,
Kai Tak unless they had first observed an space as well. I'm fascinated by spaceflight then that is the best aircraft in the sky.
approach on the jump seat in the aircraft, and the Universe in general, I do a lot of When you change aircraft to another
then spent time in simulator sessions. star gazing too! type, then that will become the best
Finally you flew in with another pilot, usu- aircraft. Finally, there is NO substitute for
ally an instructor, for your first approach PLEASE MENTION ONE OR TWO experience; be patient and make steady
and landing. I always walked away from SPECIAL MEMORIES OF YOURS, progress to reach the senior positions on
the B707 with a great deal of satisfaction in RELATED TO AVIATION. the flight deck. Q
having handled a poor visibility, crosswind Special memories for me in aviation are Article courtesy:
landing into Kai Tak. When I then started as follows. I've had the opportunity in 2020/12/01/
he Ministry of Defence of the
TRepublic of Mali has placed a fi rm
order for an additional Airbus C295 airlift-
er in the transport configuration.
This second aircraft, to be delivered
in 2021, will supplement the first C295
already in operation since December 2016
which has already accumulated 1,770 flight
hours and transported more than 38,000
passengers and 900 tonnes of cargo in less Republic of Mali to have permanent air “This repeat order demonstrates the
than four years of operations. transport capacity within a very short excellent capabilities and performance
This new order also includes an integrat- timeframe, providing a vital link sup- of our aircraft. The C295 is becoming
ed logistics support package with spare porting operations and actions for the the 21st century standard tactical air-
parts for the two aircraft and training for development of isolated areas in the lifter in Africa with 37 aircraft ordered
flight crews and mechanics. northern regions of the country. Ber- in the region, from Algeria, Egypt and
This acquisition is in response to the nhard Brenner, head of marketing and Ghana to Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso
urgent need of the authorities of the sales at Airbus defence and space said, and Mali.” Q
World Airnews | January 2021
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